NBC poll: 16% of Americans say we...


Well-Known Member
are on the right track.
75% say we aren't.

So Build Back Better has a loyal 1/6 supporters....Hey Nancy,...do really like holding the gavel? Um...there's the door....and here is your 7&7.
*Md Senator Hollan had a stroke 5/16...thus the Dem Senate majority is unable to move anything forward (unless our resident Rinos are again eager to help them)
When is summer recess?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
are on the right track.
75% say we aren't.

So Build Back Better has a loyal 1/6 supporters....Hey Nancy,...do really like holding the gavel? Um...there's the door....and here is your 7&7.
*Md Senator Hollan had a stroke 5/16...thus the Dem Senate majority is unable to move anything forward (unless our resident Rinos are again eager to help them)
When is summer recess?

I'm interested in who those 16% are. But then, I just had someone on here try and convince me that drug trafficking is good for communities and makes them thrive, so......

It's only been a little over a year, and look at what those people have done to our country. I don't know if we'll make it to 2024, but if we do we need to install the meanest most Democrat-hating SOB ever born. We can't afford to have bootlickers who "work across the aisle" anymore. We need a wartime President who understands that Democrats are the enemy.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'm interested in who those 16% are. But then, I just had someone on here try and convince me that drug trafficking is good for communities and makes them thrive, so......

It's only been a little over a year, and look at what those people have done to our country. I don't know if we'll make it to 2024, but if we do we need to install the meanest most Democrat-hating SOB ever born. We can't afford to have bootlickers who "work across the aisle" anymore. We need a wartime President who understands that Democrats are the enemy.
We really need to be committing the bat crap crazy, not electing them.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The 16% are the ones paying absolutely no attention to what is going on.

They're the American equivalent of the man in the street Russian who says they support Putin and don't believe anything about Ukraine.


If I may ...
If I may ...

I'm interested in who those 16% are. But then, I just had someone on here try and convince me that drug trafficking is good for communities and makes them thrive, so......

It's only been a little over a year, and look at what those people have done to our country. I don't know if we'll make it to 2024, but if we do we need to install the meanest most Democrat-hating SOB ever born. We can't afford to have bootlickers who "work across the aisle" anymore. We need a wartime President who understands that Democrats are the enemy.
Those 16% are members, or supporters, of the WEF, the CFR, the DEVOS crowd, and are recipients, or benefiting from, the largess, money/power, of the policies being attempted to be forced upon us.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If I may ...

Those 16% are members, or supporters, of the WEF, the CFR, the DEVOS crowd, and are recipients, or benefiting from, the largess, money/power, of the policies being attempted to be forced upon us.

I'm more inclined to believe they're not the die-hard fatihful -I think they're part of a strata of society - or possibly, more accurately, a subset of society - who live largely unscathed or untouched by what goes on in the country and simply don't bother to follow the news. They take cabs or public transportation - they're either rich and inflation doesn't affect them or poor and get considerable free stuff - or they live in such a way that everything just doesn't affect them much.

OR - they're somewhat like you say - but they're hoping for better. In 1982 when we were going through a recession - I still believed that Reagan and the folks in charge were making a course correction the nation needed, even though it was painful. People looked at me like I had three heads. In retrospect, I can see why, but I also think I was right.


PREMO Member
They take cabs or public transportation - they're either rich and inflation doesn't affect them or poor and get considerable free stuff - or they live in such a way that everything just doesn't affect them much.

the ' I didn't know Obamacare was going to raise my insurance rates ' crowd


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in who those 16% are. But then, I just had someone on here try and convince me that drug trafficking is good for communities and makes them thrive, so......
That is how YOU read into it and interpreted it. NOT what was said or quite obviously meant (obvious to anyone who didn't want to twist it to fit their thoughts or convince them they were correct in their talking points)
Comprehension... it's a thing.


If I may ...
If I may ...

I'm more inclined to believe they're not the die-hard fatihful -I think they're part of a strata of society - or possibly, more accurately, a subset of society - who live largely unscathed or untouched by what goes on in the country and simply don't bother to follow the news. They take cabs or public transportation - they're either rich and inflation doesn't affect them or poor and get considerable free stuff - or they live in such a way that everything just doesn't affect them much.

OR - they're somewhat like you say - but they're hoping for better. In 1982 when we were going through a recession - I still believed that Reagan and the folks in charge were making a course correction the nation needed, even though it was painful. People looked at me like I had three heads. In retrospect, I can see why, but I also think I was right.
Your theory is sound and not wrong.

I would say, that anything government does in the name of helping the people, on the surface, by way of policy, "creating jobs", economic opportunities, etc., is for the sole purpose of enriching government and for the benefit of corporations. That the American people benefit in any way, is simply a side effect of any public policy.


Well-Known Member


I just had someone on here try and convince me that drug trafficking is good for communities and makes them thrive, so......

And you doubt this... why? Exactly?

Look at Detroit. Detroit would be a pile of trash if it weren't for drug trafficking.

Instead, look:


Imagine how awesome it would look if they would just let leave the MAPs alone, and maybe just a smidge of human trafficking.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I know at least one of them. I saw the Biden 2024 sign in his yard the other day. That said he is probably in his late 70's. Maybe even early 80's.
My family has not voted for a Democrat further to the left of JFK since he was our Senator.