NCAA searches for new low by denying Marine eligib


Well-Known Member
Damn, NCAA is really useless at most times. Pretty worthless IMHO

We make fun of the NCAA because they are an easy punching bag. They lack consistency, transparency and an understanding of the basic concepts of common sense. You would think it difficult for them to find a new low after years of draconian punishments mixed with unsatisfactory wrist slaps but never doubt the potential depths to which Mark Emmert’s organization can plunge.

Steven Rhodes is a 24-year-old Marine sergeant. He finished his five-year commitment to the armed forces this summer and called up Middle Tennessee State’s football coaches and asked if they had a spot for him as a walk-on. They happily accepted the 6’ 3”, 240-pound veteran and have been using him as a tight end and defensive lineman during practice.

Great story, right?

Well, it would be, except Rhodes isn’t eligible to play this season because he took part in an intramural league while in the service. He received no money to play in some extremely disorganized games.

“Man, it was like intramurals for us. There were guys out there anywhere from 18 to 40-something years old,” said Rhodes to Adam Sparks of the Daily News Journal (Murfreesboro, Tenn.). “The games were spread out. We once went six weeks between games.”


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well, rules are rules, you know. Only the big o and his minions can selectively enforce rules, laws, and regulations.

Everyone else has to play by the rules.


Decision reversed. He's cleared to play. :yay:

But honestly, they need to add a new rule: NCAA athletes should be between ~17-24. Players like FSU's Chris Weinke, who I think won a Heisman at the ripe young age of 28, shouldn't be playing a game with kids 10 years younger.