Does anyone have any experience with NEC Disease? Baby A was diagnosed with having it this weekend and I could really use some positive outcome stories - google searches are only freaking me out more!!
Does anyone have any experience with NEC Disease? Baby A was diagnosed with having it this weekend and I could really use some positive outcome stories - google searches are only freaking me out more!!
That is the last thing you need to be doing is looking on the internet. You need to ask the nurses there at the hospital. They will know more than anyone and they will be able to answer your questions without it scaring the hell out of you. Please don't look on the internet and stress yourself out, you need to stay strong for those babies. If anything pray hard to God for help and I will pray too. I'm sure we all will. Talk to the doctors and nurses that is the best thing you can do. They know what will happen better than anyone.
In the mean time, rest when you can and pray for baby A as often as possible.![]()
I have to disagree. Being as this is relatively rare the nurses may not have the information she is looking for. I recommend seeing if Yahoo! has a group for parents/care givers. You will find the best information from another parent that deals with NEC disease daily. They will have tons of tips and offer the best support.
Part of what was left out was that this disease only affects 5 - 10% of babies born prematurely and that even with antibitics it can still get worse. Trust me when I see I am reading up on it as much as possible - and I ask plenty of questions to the staff at the hospital. They can tell me facts and statistics - but when I ask the dreaded question of "Will my baby pull through this?" they cannot give me a definitive answer - which was the basis of my question here, wondering how many people knew of a baby that had the disease and pulled through without surgery or life altering complications.
I'm very proactive in my children's health and care. I am at that hospital every day during rounds - where, at minimum, I'm hearing what 2 neonatologists, 2 NPs, 4-5 RNs, and a few residents who see my children almost daily are saying and how they're progressing. The doctors are great at explaining things and always take the time to answer any questions I may have - and the least amount I've asked during any one visit was 2.
I'm just saying that my head is definitely NOT buried in the sand on any of this!
They can tell me facts and statistics - but when I ask the dreaded question of "Will my baby pull through this?"