Need Calvert county divorce lawyer please


New Member
I have a young girl living in my home with babies. I ve known her since she was about 12. She is a friend of my sons. Her parent's kicked her out of their house when she was 17. She moved in with her boyfriend. As soon as they graduated they got married. then they had the reception from hell. The inlaws had her in the parking lot at solomons rec center giving passes to her Mil's friends. it was in June, and hot as heck. her parents arrived and her dad was angry and said something to the in-laws, like can't someone else give out passes this is her wedding day. The Grooms dad had already smeared his blood on the registration book (someone had joked about signing in blood), then they took all of the food and left. When we got there she was crying, her dad was crying and her grandparents were in shock. They stopped talking to his parents, and he went into the military, 9 months later a baby was born, the groom wanted nothing to do with it. He was so disgusted with the birth process he wanted nothing to do with her. He drank alot, was lazy, and not patient with the baby. She fell out of love with the guy. A year later she is moving on. He comes back from deployment saying he will change. She doesn't beleive it, it is over. He goes Awol, does drugs, sneakes into her home steals their food, and stops supporting the baby. After a year they arrest him for dessersion, dishonerably discharge him. He never tried to see this little boy, and his mother treats the baby like a toy, picks on him till he cries, feeds him junkfood and only changes him once. The girl no longer wants to leave the baby with her. Meanwhile he claimes he wants to see the kid, and the mom lied and said they lived in a house together in Feb. The judge says she can't have the divorce. We have little time and wonder if anyone here has used a lawyer in Calvert that did a good job.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The mother of the child needs to contact the CCSO and DSS and start making reports on this guy and his mother. Do grandparents even have visitation rights in MD? Anyway, with this guy's track record I can't figure out how a judge can say, "No, you can't have a divorce."


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Anyway, with this guy's track record I can't figure out how a judge can say, "No, you can't have a divorce."

Sadly..quite the opposite is true in MD. Its plain and simply 'two years without cohabitation and intercourse' to gain a contested divorce.

The archaic MD laws are being reviewed for some major changes..but it has not happened yet.

The exceptions are exceedingly specific..and none apply in this case.

Good luck. Sounds like the gal could use some.


And it will be two more years until she gets a divorce providing the law hasn't changed. Two years "legal" separation when minor children are involved.


And it will be two more years until she gets a divorce providing the law hasn't changed. Two years "legal" separation when minor children are involved.

No, no, no. It is only 1 year in Maryland for an uncontested DIVORCE.BTDT


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
No, no, no. It is only 1 year in Maryland for an uncontested DIVORCE.BTDT

That is very true. I was assuming, hopefully incorrectly, that the nature of the scumbag described would preclude the divorce being uncontested.

Contested divorce = 2 years on the separation clock


New Member
Her dad told her she was "intolerable"....she was a teenager, she talked back, she argued with them. Their asses should be in jail for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, neglect... they are alkies who got lazy. The dad was worthless in the Navy, he was in the same squadron my hub was in years ago. He was a 20 something year E-6, and it was everyone elses fault he didn't make cheif. He was ugly cause his wife cut him up with a knife one night. The girl remembers alot of blood, and Mom going to jail.


New Member
That is very true. I was assuming, hopefully incorrectly, that the nature of the scumbag described would preclude the divorce being uncontested.

Contested divorce = 2 years on the separation clock

"contested" = when one party "counter-suits" the divorce claim... my ex countersuited me, therefore making my divorce contested. I was divorced within 6 months after filing for divorce. Grounds of adultery let me file prior to the our one year of living apart. But it was a contested divorce.... our one year of separation was March 11, our divorce hearing was March 22... i amended the "complaint for divorce" the day of our hearing from Adultery to Voluntary Separation. Involuntary Separation = 2 YEARS before you can file for divorce, not "Contested". makes sense i hope...