Need dentist


My boy started complaining about a tooth ache yesterday, and it is worse today. Since we just moved here I need some recommendations about dentists, preferably in the Leonardtown/Hollywood area. I need to try and get him in today.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's in Waldorf but Ronald Hollander office by the Mall.

Damn good dentist.


Be about it
Dr. Heffner in Waldorf is SUPERB. I know it's Waldorf, but the office is 100% pediactrics and absolutely wonderful. I can't say enough good things about it!!! When I asked about dentists for my daughter a while back Kimmy here on the forums recommended them.


Thanks PFgal and Jameo. Just got back and took him to the dentist Jameo recommended. They were great. Got him right in.


Be about it
Originally posted by Pete
Thanks PFgal and Jameo. Just got back and took him to the dentist Jameo recommended. They were great. Got him right in.

Awesome! He feeling better?


Originally posted by PFgal
Awesome! He feeling better?

Yea, he is a grinder and he has loosened one of the next teeth to fall out. It was just sore, I expected that but didn't want to take a chance before a weekend, new in town, blah, blah.


Originally posted by Pete
Thanks PFgal and Jameo. Just got back and took him to the dentist Jameo recommended. They were great. Got him right in.

Great! Glad I could help you out! :cheers:


Originally posted by PFgal
:spank: Do you ever learn Vincy-pooh?? Read up - the kid is back from the dentist already.



I just didn't type fast enough, but if you want to spank me anyway.....:biggrin:


New Member
Haven't you folks heard the ads on the local radio station for Dr. S.E. Burch and his sedation dentistry practices :biggrin: hehehehe