Need Goat/Sheep Milk


New Member
I am in need of a source of goat or sheep milk. With all the Amish and Mennonites around here it shouldn't be too difficult to find some. Does anyone know of a family/farm in specific that sells goat or sheep milk?


New Member
Originally posted by Judy
I am in need of a source of goat or sheep milk. With all the Amish and Mennonites around here it shouldn't be too difficult to find some. Does anyone know of a family/farm in specific that sells goat or sheep milk?

Depends on what you need it for...not a whole lot of people around here are licensed to sell milk for use by people...however if you need it for non-people consumption (soap, puppy food, etc)....I have a whole bunch of purebred, healthy, alpine does about to kid (and one ewe too, hopefully, whose lamb/s will be bottlefed...) any day now...I'd be willing to sell you a few gallons...
If you want it for like, cheese, or something edible, just don't tell me what it's for...I could still sell you some. It gets heat-treated anyways. And if that's what you're looking to use it for, I'd really advise avoiding the amish. Email me where you're located, and if you aren't near me or my price is too high I can name a gazzillion breeders (more like 30.) around here for you.


Active Member
Them neighbors behind us has some goats and sometimes they scream a lot and my grandma says "them goats is swolled up." She gets a bucket and milks them out and brings home the milk. That milk is awesome and don't take much to flavor stuff up like oatmeal or macaroni & cheese. Them goats don't like it and one time my grandma got dragged around and butted up against a fence. She loves that goat's milk and says cow milk is for city folks and people who don't know what they're doin.


New Member
Goat Milk

If you need pastuerized goat milk, there is a goat farm/dairy in Charles County on Route 6 past Port Tobacco. It is called Brentland Farm and Goat Dairy. It is near the Goose Bay Marina. They process it and sell it by the gallon jug. They are in the phone book under Dairies. When my daughter was a baby and I weaned her off breast milk, she did not take well to any of the formulas on the market, so the doctor suggested we try goat milk. She loved it and didn't have any other problems. As she got a little older, we gradually gave her regular cow's milk.


Brentland has been out of business for several years. Fresh Fields is the only store I can think of that sells freash goats milk. Legally. It is available if you know where to go. How much do you need?