New Member
Just took preg. tests on saturday, (4 of them) and all were I need a doctor....P.S. I do have insurance :). Any help would be appreciated vs. going online to find a doc on a website.


Obama destroyed America
Just took preg. tests on saturday, (4 of them) and all were I need a doctor....P.S. I do have insurance :). Any help would be appreciated vs. going online to find a doc on a website.
who's is it?


Dream Stealer
Well congrats :) I have been going to dr. Polko's office. And I really enjoy it there. I took about 4 or 5 myself. Lines, digital, plus signs. They don't lie :killingme

ps. Dr polsky doesn't do OB. just gyno..though he is an amazing choice for that.


Well-Known Member
I had a decent time of it so far..but it's really luck of the draw as to who actually delivers it :killingme it will be a fun surprise.

When I delivered last year they had a calender up in the rooms w/ who is on call. Usually 3 days on 3 off etc... I basically told Dr. Polko I only wanted her delivering me :lol:


New Member
When I delivered last year they had a calender up in the rooms w/ who is on call. Usually 3 days on 3 off etc... I basically told Dr. Polko I only wanted her delivering me :lol:

They still have those calendars. I go to Dr. Polko's office also.

I used to go to Dr. Neal/Dr. Wnadike. They're good too....if you liked being rushed through every appointment....


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The wife uses "The women's Health Group" (?) @ AAMC. All of them are great docs and AAMC is an awesome place to deliver.


The wife uses "The women's Health Group" (?) @ AAMC. All of them are great docs and AAMC is an awesome place to deliver.

That's where I delivered my baby boy 18 months ago. I agree, they're all great doctors and I'd go back there in a heartbeat. One of the best things about them is that I never, ever had to wait during my many prenatal appointments. I really appreciate doctors who value their patients' time, there aren't many of those.

To the OP, congrats and best of luck! :yahoo:


Active Member

Dr. Polsky isn't doing ob stuff anymore :bawl: I asked him back in April when I found out I was pregnant.

I've been seeing Dr. Polko, Dr. Davis and Dr. Shonekan in Leonardtown. Haven't had any major issues (which I know is not a glowing review) so far. I've only seen Polko once, I most commonly see Davis and Shonekan. Davis set me on edge a bit last visit, he pretty clearly fibbed a response to a question I had about birth options at St. Mary's Hospital. Dr. Shonekan can be a little abrupt but she's always given me very straight answers.


New Member
Dr. Tilley. Only even waited if he was finishing up a delivery and I chose to wait. Never felt rushed, respected all my wishes for pregnancy and childbirth and everything was always my decision. I have had 3 children using him.