Need Primary Care Manager


New Member
My PCM has moved and I have been assigned a new PCM (Dr. BENNETT,JOHN L ). Since I do not know anything about this Dr. wanted to ask here for any good / bad on him and/or any recommendations you may have for a better family practitioner in the Lexington Park area.


Well-Known Member
My PCM has moved and I have been assigned a new PCM (Dr. BENNETT,JOHN L ). Since I do not know anything about this Dr. wanted to ask here for any good / bad on him and/or any recommendations you may have for a better family practitioner in the Lexington Park area.

Dr. Bennett near the VFW on 235? Nothing good to say, he killed my grandmother by his medical "practice".


New Member
Sorry to hear that but thanks for replying. I have tried to contact them numerous time to make an appointment and go on hold for over 20min's. No respectable practice takes that long to just give out an appt.


Active Member
My PCM has moved and I have been assigned a new PCM (Dr. BENNETT,JOHN L ). Since I do not know anything about this Dr. wanted to ask here for any good / bad on him and/or any recommendations you may have for a better family practitioner in the Lexington Park area.

Haven't you been following the news? Call the Federal Govt. (Probably Steny Hoyer). They're in charge of EVERYTHING!