Need some advice


Well-Known Member
There's a maybe late twenties, early thirties guy that lives upstairs from me. We've had words. He has a bad habit of leaving his car running on his side of the apartment which is adjacent to my bedroom window and playing his rap crap loud enough to rattle my windows. You can hear it no matter where you are in the apartment, in fact I've heard it when I've turned into the road to go home, long before I hit the driveway. In the beginning I asked him politely if he could turn it down. He would, but by very next day, I'd be asking him the same thing. I've called the landlord who's said...well call the police. I'm not innocent by any means; he played the same song over and over again for 47 minutes a few months back and I went off on him. There's something about rap music and the bass in it that makes my blood boil and I used my entire extensive vocabulary of cuss words on him at levels only dogs could hear that day

Anyhoo, been too cold out for him to sit for any length in his car and annoy me. We haven't seen each other, nor spoken in months. It's been really peaceful around here.

So the day before yesterday, he parked his white Tesla in front of my apartment totally blocking the sidewalk that leads from my front door. When I say blocking, I mean I can walk to the end of the sidewalk and right into his car. There is not space in between. This is brand new, he always parks in front of his apartment which does not have a sidewalk or way off to the side in a space that no one even parks in near the dumpster.

In order for me to load/unload anything, I've got to walk all the way around his car instead of straight down the walk which is entirely much more convenient.

I'm torn between saying anything at all, like via a note stuck on his front door or just hoping it resolves itself or he leaves. He's been out there for nearly two days now.

He's parked under a tree. I've parked under that same tree without blocking the sidewalk and had so much bird poop on the car that it was embarrassing. Even the frigging birds won't cooperate today.

Should I say something? I can't figure out why he would all of sudden would just change his parking habits. Maybe I'm overthinking it but I'm wondering if he's trying to trigger me or not. And it's really bugging me that it's smack dab in my way.

Any words of wisdom out there?


Well-Known Member
There's a maybe late twenties, early thirties guy that lives upstairs from me. We've had words. He has a bad habit of leaving his car running on his side of the apartment which is adjacent to my bedroom window and playing his rap crap loud enough to rattle my windows. You can hear it no matter where you are in the apartment, in fact I've heard it when I've turned into the road to go home, long before I hit the driveway. In the beginning I asked him politely if he could turn it down. He would, but by very next day, I'd be asking him the same thing. I've called the landlord who's said...well call the police. I'm not innocent by any means; he played the same song over and over again for 47 minutes a few months back and I went off on him. There's something about rap music and the bass in it that makes my blood boil and I used my entire extensive vocabulary of cuss words on him at levels only dogs could hear that day

Anyhoo, been too cold out for him to sit for any length in his car and annoy me. We haven't seen each other, nor spoken in months. It's been really peaceful around here.

So the day before yesterday, he parked his white Tesla in front of my apartment totally blocking the sidewalk that leads from my front door. When I say blocking, I mean I can walk to the end of the sidewalk and right into his car. There is not space in between. This is brand new, he always parks in front of his apartment which does not have a sidewalk or way off to the side in a space that no one even parks in near the dumpster.

In order for me to load/unload anything, I've got to walk all the way around his car instead of straight down the walk which is entirely much more convenient.

I'm torn between saying anything at all, like via a note stuck on his front door or just hoping it resolves itself or he leaves. He's been out there for nearly two days now.

He's parked under a tree. I've parked under that same tree without blocking the sidewalk and had so much bird poop on the car that it was embarrassing. Even the frigging birds won't cooperate today.

Should I say something? I can't figure out why he would all of sudden would just change his parking habits. Maybe I'm overthinking it but I'm wondering if he's trying to trigger me or not. And it's really bugging me that it's smack dab in my way.

Any words of wisdom out there?
No words of wisdom...only words of how to rectify the situation... 3 things you will need: 1) A vehicle you don't care about. 2) A job you no longer care about. 3) A living situation you no longer care about...

Once you have all 3 of these, I'll provide further instructions on how to resolve your issue...


Well-Known Member
No words of wisdom...only words of how to rectify the situation... 3 things you will need: 1) A vehicle you don't care about. 2) A job you no longer care about. 3) A living situation you no longer care about...

Once you have all 3 of these, I'll provide further instructions on how to resolve your issue...
I'm retired and I care about the rest of them.

Dig this though. He left. He came back and parked in front on his apartment annnd ten minutes he moved his car to the exact same place he had it before, only this time his wheels are resting on the sidewalk.

black dog

Free America
Most of that comes with renting and not owning, other than talking to the landlord and the problem neighbor, you're ****ed.


Well-Known Member
Get some dog poop, spread it around near the drivers door so he will step in it getting into his car.

A lot of neighbor issues can be solved with dog poop.
Boyfriend thinks I should bake him cookies. He gets along with everyone. Drives me nuts. I'm really hoping that bird poop is the answer. I was wrong about the car, it's not his Tesla, it's his BMW. I have a little Acura I hate bird mess on that, I can't imagine he would want it on the expensive cars he drives. Anyhoo, I just accidently sprinkled a generous amount of black oil sunflower seeds and nuts and berry mix around the his car. The starlings seem to love that sh*t. 🤞


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Boyfriend thinks I should bake him cookies. He gets along with everyone. Drives me nuts. I'm really hoping that bird poop is the answer. I was wrong about the car, it's not his Tesla, it's his BMW. I have a little Acura I hate bird mess on that, I can't imagine he would want it on the expensive cars he drives. Anyhoo, I just accidently sprinkled a generous amount of black oil sunflower seeds and nuts and berry mix around the his car. The starlings seem to love that sh*t. 🤞
"accidently". mmm hmm....


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a selfish jerk who wants to get your goat. I thank the lord I don't have close neighbors.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Buy him a player with some earbuds. Later on tell him to try some new earbuds that you have and add a touch of superglue to them.


Well-Known Member
Boyfriend thinks I should bake him cookies. He gets along with everyone. Drives me nuts. I'm really hoping that bird poop is the answer. I was wrong about the car, it's not his Tesla, it's his BMW. I have a little Acura I hate bird mess on that, I can't imagine he would want it on the expensive cars he drives. Anyhoo, I just accidently sprinkled a generous amount of black oil sunflower seeds and nuts and berry mix around the his car. The starlings seem to love that sh*t. 🤞
That's a trick I've done too 😀


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If his music is loud enough to be disturbing the peace, the cops will warn him and then give him a ticket if it continues. Parking in a non-parking spot will also earn him a ticket.

Your landlord sounds like a real douche because what's supposed to happen is you complain to him and he straightens the tenant out.

Honestly, my real method is to ask nicely once, then rip him a new ******* and make him think twice about crossing me. People have been telling me for 50 years that I'll be killed one day, but I'm not dead yet.
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