Need stories Dr. Nasr & Dr. Cafferty


Dr. Rafik Nasr & Dr. S. Cafferty beware!

I will get to the topic in a few paragraphs.
The problem is not whether someone has health insurance or not. The problem lies within the health"care" community. The only advocate for a sick or injured person is themselves. So, if you are not sick, do whatever you can to remain healthy or establish a healthy lifestyle. There is not one physician that is going to spend more than 7 to 15 minutes thinking about your symptoms because their attorneys and insurance companies tell the physicians that is the limit of time they can spend on any one person. The physicians attorneys and insurance companies also tell them to not take new patients that are chronically ill because they can be a liability and take up too much of the physicians time.
I have two PPO insurances and they pay for everything that a physician writes an order for but they do not pay the physician to diagnose me. The problem is getting a physician that will listen to you and speak to you without sarcasm, lies or without you having to talk to the back of their head after they had walked out of the exam room and you were not done asking questions. Physicians want to write prescriptions to cover up the symptoms but they do not want to try to figure out what is actually causing the symptoms, because they simply do not care. I have had the privledges to hang out with the nurses behind the desk where patients cannot see what is happening. I receive these statements first hand. They even smoke cigarettes in the back where the patients rooms are. This is Dr. Nasrs office.

I am 42 years old and have been chronically ill with some type of very painful degenerative disease(s)/disorder(s). My first symptom was over 15 years ago. I have been seeking a competent physician all of the years that I have lived in Southern MD. I have not found one general physician or specialist locally or at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, at Universities around Baltimore and the District of Columbia that have been interested in helping me figure out what is causing my symptoms. After 15 years the list of symptoms has grown to Neurological, Rheumatological, Endocrinology, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Dermatology,Alternative Therapy, Surgeons, (Calvert has only 2 surgeons as of now) and many more. So I have to say that poor health"care" is not just in Southern MD, it is just worse in Southern MD, but it is a nationwide epidemic. How many of you know that in the United States, the most powerful country in the world (for now), the richest country (so they claim), has over fifty million people living in unbearable pain every second of every day because they are undertreated. This is an epidemic also. Chronic pain patients that are not treated or under-treated when their is medication available to treat these people. Yes, I am one of them but my pain has been treated adequately. I have done advococy work with APF, I have done news interviews about how the people that misuse pharmaceuticals are hurting the people that are in chronic pain and need pain medications, I have spoke for the press, physicians and the media about this matter. It is a battle that is never going to end. Why? Because the doctors are sissy's and self-absorbed. If they do not care about treating people with dignity, respect, and humanity then they should get out of the health care field. PERIOD.

It is not just Southern Md, but I have to say that all of the physicians that I have consulted with in Southern MD are a joke. I have been going to the same general practitioner for about 7 years or so, Dr. Nasr. I saw him right before Christmas and he told my husband while I was sitting there that he "wanted to get rid of me". He stated that he is not qualified to prescribe me the medications that he has been prescribing me over the past 7 years. Now that's comforting! I have a lot more to say about these physicians but to the right people..

If you have any stories about the two physicians mentioned in this heading, please email me privately and let me know what has happened. We are getting as many stories, bad incidents, etc. as we can get about the above two physicians. My story alone is enough because they have failed to act, not misdiagnosed but missed diagnosed me, and so much more and have left me for dead. Even if you just want to vent about them, drop me an email. I promise your email address or name will not get back to either one of them and the email will not be read by anyone but myself. I am a patient of the two but I am in no way an advocate for these miserable physicians. I would be too embarrassed to admit that. They have abused my rights as a patient and do not care so I do not care and would love to start a class action lawsuit against them. Just from the people that I have spoken to or emailed, they have ruined many peoples lives not just mine. I will tell anyone what they have done to me and if there is an attorney reading this and if you are interested in a lawsuit please email me. I have been out right violated in many ways. They both knew long ahead of time what they were going to be doing to the patients so don't feel sorry for them. They should not even have a license to practice.
Too many details to write right now but they have left a lot of people high and dry because they did things wrong and now they have to cover their as-es at the patients expense. I have attorneys available if anyone has questions also. Please email me at: :boxing: EVERY DOG HAS THEIR DAY AND IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR THEM TO PAY.


RIP Quinn
Dr. Rafik Nasr & Dr. S. Cafferty beware!

I will get to the topic in a few paragraphs.
The problem is not whether someone has health insurance or not. The problem lies within the health"care" community. The only advocate for a sick or injured person is themselves. So, if you are not sick, do whatever you can to remain healthy or establish a healthy lifestyle. There is not one physician that is going to spend more than 7 to 15 minutes thinking about your symptoms because their attorneys and insurance companies tell the physicians that is the limit of time they can spend on any one person. The physicians attorneys and insurance companies also tell them to not take new patients that are chronically ill because they can be a liability and take up too much of the physicians time.
I have two PPO insurances and they pay for everything that a physician writes an order for but they do not pay the physician to diagnose me. The problem is getting a physician that will listen to you and speak to you without sarcasm, lies or without you having to talk to the back of their head after they had walked out of the exam room and you were not done asking questions. Physicians want to write prescriptions to cover up the symptoms but they do not want to try to figure out what is actually causing the symptoms, because they simply do not care. I have had the privledges to hang out with the nurses behind the desk where patients cannot see what is happening. I receive these statements first hand. They even smoke cigarettes in the back where the patients rooms are. This is Dr. Nasrs office.

I am 42 years old and have been chronically ill with some type of very painful degenerative disease(s)/disorder(s). My first symptom was over 15 years ago. I have been seeking a competent physician all of the years that I have lived in Southern MD. I have not found one general physician or specialist locally or at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, at Universities around Baltimore and the District of Columbia that have been interested in helping me figure out what is causing my symptoms. After 15 years the list of symptoms has grown to Neurological, Rheumatological, Endocrinology, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Dermatology,Alternative Therapy, Surgeons, (Calvert has only 2 surgeons as of now) and many more. So I have to say that poor health"care" is not just in Southern MD, it is just worse in Southern MD, but it is a nationwide epidemic. How many of you know that in the United States, the most powerful country in the world (for now), the richest country (so they claim), has over fifty million people living in unbearable pain every second of every day because they are undertreated. This is an epidemic also. Chronic pain patients that are not treated or under-treated when their is medication available to treat these people. Yes, I am one of them but my pain has been treated adequately. I have done advococy work with APF, I have done news interviews about how the people that misuse pharmaceuticals are hurting the people that are in chronic pain and need pain medications, I have spoke for the press, physicians and the media about this matter. It is a battle that is never going to end. Why? Because the doctors are sissy's and self-absorbed. If they do not care about treating people with dignity, respect, and humanity then they should get out of the health care field. PERIOD.

It is not just Southern Md, but I have to say that all of the physicians that I have consulted with in Southern MD are a joke. I have been going to the same general practitioner for about 7 years or so, Dr. Nasr. I saw him right before Christmas and he told my husband while I was sitting there that he "wanted to get rid of me". He stated that he is not qualified to prescribe me the medications that he has been prescribing me over the past 7 years. Now that's comforting! I have a lot more to say about these physicians but to the right people..

If you have any stories about the two physicians mentioned in this heading, please email me privately and let me know what has happened. We are getting as many stories, bad incidents, etc. as we can get about the above two physicians. My story alone is enough because they have failed to act, not misdiagnosed but missed diagnosed me, and so much more and have left me for dead. Even if you just want to vent about them, drop me an email. I promise your email address or name will not get back to either one of them and the email will not be read by anyone but myself. I am a patient of the two but I am in no way an advocate for these miserable physicians. I would be too embarrassed to admit that. They have abused my rights as a patient and do not care so I do not care and would love to start a class action lawsuit against them. Just from the people that I have spoken to or emailed, they have ruined many peoples lives not just mine. I will tell anyone what they have done to me and if there is an attorney reading this and if you are interested in a lawsuit please email me. I have been out right violated in many ways. They both knew long ahead of time what they were going to be doing to the patients so don't feel sorry for them. They should not even have a license to practice.
Too many details to write right now but they have left a lot of people high and dry because they did things wrong and now they have to cover their as-es at the patients expense. I have attorneys available if anyone has questions also. Please email me at: :boxing: EVERY DOG HAS THEIR DAY AND IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR THEM TO PAY.

Bongwater? Are you kidding me?

For what it's worth.. I and my entire family see Dr. Nasr. He has been a decent, honest doctor. I don't like some things about his office but that goes with almost every practice.. there is always something needing attention. That's why it's called a practice. He is a very busy man. I personally don't appreciate you bashing him on this forum. Bad taste if you ask me.
While I sympathize with your pain, there are two sides to every story. :coffee:


I am happy that he has not violated you or your family. He has been mine and my familys general physician for a long time. We got along great. He had a serious health problem about 5 years ago or so, we sent him flowers, etc... When I became very ill and got worse over the years, he decided that he did not want to help me anymore. Some of the things that I am about to write are not a drop in the bucket of the violations, failure to act, missed diagnosis, misdiagnosis,etc. Nothing compared to what I would like to tell people because I have been in the back office during office hours and after office hours and I have heard the and I have heard the raunchiest stuff said about patients. He would tell one of the techs, mable, missy, tracy, stacy, etc... I don't want to see them get rid of them. He has even interfered with an appointment I had scheduled with an Oncologist, by telling this cancer physician that I had nothing wrong with me. That one thing right there delayed my diagnosis 10 months which I am just now starting to deal with and I wonder if I were diagnosed 10 months ago, what would my situatioin be like now. This adventure that he has set me on to find my own diagnosis with little mines that he laid on the road has taken its toll on my family, especially my children. My children little children and I have an older child are depressed as to how long it has taken me to get the short distance I have gotten to a diagnosis. My youngest child has never seen me, not sick. He sees that I am dying and he wakes up crying from nightmares at least once a week. The last nightmare he had, he was laying his head on my lap. He was crying in his sleep and I woke him. He continued to cry even harder as he recalled the nightmare. In his nightmare, he had to say goodbye to his father, his brother, his sister and me. He said it had something to do with me dying. He said he did not know where he was going in the dream but he had to leave all on his own. A 6 year old child having to work these daily events out in his subconcious while he is sleeping. That is not right for my children to be so stressed over me dying when they know there is a treatment for what I have if they will finally catch it soon enough. That is not how a child should have to grow up. There are things he could do, or could have done to try to help me, simply refer me to a specialist. Instead, he will tell me that he doesn't know any and walk out of the room. My children and other family members have witnessed this and it has changed their lives or shaped their character forever. I do not care who believes me because I have all of the evidence and he has nothing. I would not be as sick as I am now if he did not interfere and I got a diagnosis sooner. I am just gathering information because everyone I meet in person that speaks of him has nothing good to say. I wish I were at liberty to tell you the sickening details of how he has treated/mistreated me and my family. I am just trying to stay alive. If I could I would put every single violation that he and or Cafferty has done on this message board. Here is one I can tell you. Cafferty offered my college aged daughter Adderall XR twice before she started attending her freshman year at Univ of MD. She asked him why she would need it. He told her to stay up and study. She told him that she did not want the drug and he asked her at another consult. Why do you think Cafferty left, everyone except for Missy and Tracy were fired, and the office has been cleaned up? Dr. Nasr took home at night literally hundreds of patients files to tidy them up. He has been cracked down on for either an unethical or unprofessional violation and he is now working nights at the urgent care in Solomons to pay back Calvert Memorial for rescuing his butt. He has hurt a lot of people and he has lied until he cannot remember the last lie he told. If this happened to you or a child of yours how would you feel? Say you started having something like seizures, and you called his office and you could not get an appointment for 2 weeks. You were concerned and called every day just to speak with him or ask him a few questions in case it continued. At your appointment two weeks later, in your chart there were approximately 2 weeks worth of notes from Missy or whomever that you had called and would like to speak to him. He comes into the exam room, you tell him what happened, the symptoms, etc.. and you are worried and want to know what is happening. He writes down what you say, slams the chart shut and walks out of the door. Before he shuts the door all of the way, he sticks his head back into the room and states," I couldn't call you back because I don't have your phone number". I think you would feel differently. This is not even one of the things that he has done to me that even bothers me because he has violated me way beyond this. I expected this behaviour from him. At my first appointment, I believe that I filled out a form that had my demographics,(phone number,etc.), on it and he "had" the phone message notes that missy or mabel left for him with my phone number. It is hard to believe that he could not find my phone number anywhere. I am happy that you have not had any serious medical problems that you have had to deal with and that you are satisfied with him. Some people in life never get chronically ill, their children don't get hit by a car and get cancer, and then some people get it all. He is only good for ear infections and runny noses, the flu, etc. because his passion is next door, the MediSpa. If one of your family members come down with a serious degenerative illness, or cancer for example, wouldn't you expect him to send your family member to specialists, or just draw blood, order an x-ray, anything?? Instead he covers up the problem and ignores you. I think that you would feel differently if you could see what has transpired over the years and how it has hurt my children. Dr. Nasr's not caring has changed my children forever. I will never see them get married, or my grandchildren. He could have made a decision about 6 years ago to tell me something that he knew about me medically. If he did, i would not be sick right now and I probably would see my children grow. One cannot change the past and Dr. Nasr has no remorse for anything and he still persists with his failure to respond. I have to do what I have to do. I have a right to express myself and it will be heard loud and clear but not over Southern MD internet. I appreciate your reply because it has really made me think about a lot of things, and God Bless.
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Cowgirl Up
he decided that he did not want to help me anymore. He is only good for ear infections and runny noses, the flu, etc. because his passion is next door, the MediSpa.

I am sorry to hear about all your health issues and wish you well. I wonder though if he realized that he did not have the ability to treat your illnesses and that was why he suggested for you to go somewhere else., and as far as being only good for ear infections, runny noses and the flu...he is a general practioner... that is what they do. I think if I were you I would concentrate more on living every day to its fullest then dwelling on this issue. It will only take up more of your time and it seems like enough has already been wasted. :flowers:


New Member
DR. Nasr

I am sorry you guys had this experience with Dr. Nasr's office! My family and I have been going to DR. NASR FOR THE LAST 19YRS! WE LOVE DR NASR! He has never lead our family wrong. Infact I finally got my mother inlaw to go see him, she was 65 yrs old and sat around the house all the time. She would never leave the house even to go to the grocery store because she felt so bad! Her feet hurt, she had no energy and she always had something wrong. Well she saw DR NASR. YOU CAN CALL HIM A HEALER. She now walks 1 mile a day, baby sits her 4 grand children all under the age 6 and really works circles around me and I am only 30 yrs old.
DR. Nasr is ALWAYS doing his best! He is only Human and one of the BEST HUMANS I know! Just like the other person said above That is why we call any doctor a practicing doctor. Doctors can only learn by living and learning (just like we all do). Maybe you guys don't have any clue of what it is like being in the health care bussiness. Everything a doctor knows does not come from a text book, they learn by experimenting (this falls in to the science catagory) and talking to other doctors. Another thing you guys were talking about time spent in rooms at your appointments, I have never felt rushed! You have to understand docotors these days can't schedule paitents every hour they have to schedule every 15-20mins due to the insurance companies not wanting to pay. I think he gives adequate time for his patients. He does spend more time on some, than others (BECAUSE HE NEEDS TO) these are the people that don't have a simple cold! I wish the best for you and your family and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
If you ask my opinion you got it! DR NASR IS THE BEST DOCTOR IN CALVERT COUNTY! MY FAMILY AND I LOVE HIM AND HIS FAMILY! I would not go to any other doctor unless I had to. I have had to go to Calvert Internal Medicine one time and felt like I was on a cattle farm!


What has Dr. Cafferty done to make you want to destroy him? Or for that matter Dr. Nasr. What people talk about in their private time is their business. When you listen in on other people's conversation it is called eavesdropping.

It was difficult for me to gather exactly what complaint you have against these drs. I think the large block paragraphs make it difficult to extract the pertinent information.

I gather you are dying from cancer, and that you are very angry with Drs. Nasr and Cafferty. Have they done something to you other than raunchy talk about patients and offering your college age child medications?


New Member
What a joke!

TRUTH BE TOLD. I have gone to Dr. Nasr as long as I can remember. In all of the years I have gone, other than the wait, I have never had a problem with Dr. Cafferty or Dr. Nasr. In fact, I was a little upset that Dr. Cafferty had left, because he was my favorite doctor. I have seen him more than any other doctor, and I think its important to develop a relationship with your doctor instead of traveling all around the country seeking other opinions. Since Dr. Cafferty has left I have developed a relationship with Dr. Nasr. I've been to quite a few doctors and most of them get you in and get you out. That has never been the case for Dr. Nasr. In my opinion I couldn't ask for anything more in a doctor.
I'm no genius, but I did graduate high school. This is my opinion. I may be right or I may be wrong. Dr. Nasr is a general doctor, not a specialist. In saying that he wouldn't be able to figure out what is wrong with someone if the illness has never existed on the planet. That would be the job of a specialist. I don't think they have a specialist that could figure out what your illness is unless its a head doctor. I'm not going to open the dictionary, to try and use big words that I didn't know existed until I posted a message, trying to make myself sound more creditable.
The only legitimate illness you may have could be damage to your body and especially your brain from years of narcotics. Putting trash in your body produces trash. Look what it's done to you. You've been dying for the last 10 years, so you say. Your brain is the best cure of all, that's why placebos work so well. I think if you tell yourself there is something wrong with you, for so many years, eventually your body will listen to your brain and you'll start to have something wrong. Your problem is your brain, nothing more.
As far as your family goes. Dr. Nasr is far from the problem. When you point the finger at someone, you have four more pointing at you. Look in the mirror if you want to see who's behind family problems. That's a cowardly way out to blame a doctor for your problems. You are the biggest two face person on the planet. To live a double life as if nothing is wrong in public and behind closed doors, to be the biggest trainwreck the family has ever seen. Then, once again, you point the finger as if everyone else is to blame and nothing is wrong in your perfect little world. You treat your family worse than I would treat my worst enemy and talk so badly about them when they are not around and have the nerve to talk to them as if nothing ever happened. I guess in your drugged up, dillusional world, nothing did. You would be more tolerable if when you were around you would talk about more things than how you were dying. If I were dying I would live every day as if it were my last. I wouldn't talk about it. I would just be happy about every second that I spent with my family and I would cherrish those moments. I would make an effort to see my only grandkids that live 5 min. away. Its a shame that your grandkids dont even know you as a grandmother. I'm glad because they don't need crazy in there life, your kids had enough of that and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I feel bad that the one's who are left got sucked into your world of insanity. I wouldn't start arguments at my daughters graduation when that should be her time to shine. Take out the selfishness and take others into consideration. You haven't done that your entire life, why start now. I guess that's what we call KARMA.

I am on my way to becoming a well established member of the community. I have good relationships with everyone that I come in contact with. It's a shame people know who I am because of you and not because of me. I only hope that my relationship with Dr. Nasr and others aren't affected by your stupidity. They know the lies and the tales that you tell. I'm not shallow enough to respond because I know the truth and I don't care what anyone else thinks. Now you are starting to attack other people and drag what's wrong in your brain. Your years of drug abuse and mistreating your their names in the mud and that's a different story. So, now, I will step out of the shadows and call you out. There is nothing wrong with you except for body have now caught up with you and that is no one's fault but your own. No doctor can cure that except to give you pain pills and when they feel that you are taking them for recreation instead of how they are supposed to be taken they cut you off. Then you write a big message about how you have been abused and misdiagnosed and blah, blah, blah, and you bash the doctors for not giving a drug addict drugs. Yeah, that's definately what doctors shouldn't do. Your doctor charts are about 9 inches thick, all saying nothing is wrong except for drug abuse. That must be wrong, lets go all over the country to get other opinions. Wow, what a suprise, they are all the same. That must mean that every doctor in america is wrong. Going on the news and saying how you can't make it through the day without OXYCODONE is a joke. You can't do anything with your family without it. Like what, make everyone's life around you a living hell? Then the news clip ends with a family portrait on the wall. Priceless, you should have received an acting award.
In conclusion, to someone who has nothing but time to think of ways to ruin people's lives. I got off topic during all of this, but my point is the same. I wrote this to simply prove that your entire life has been a lie. Everything about you is a lie. To your family, your friends, anyone who has met you and anyone who will read your pile of lies. You have tried and ruined enough lives around you. Now, why don't you just cut off your phone, cut off your computer, and lock your doors. Keep your mouth shut, mind your own business, live life the best you can while you still have it and most important keep all your bull#### to yourself.
Your son


Sorry to hear you have gone through so much...but I never had a problem with either, except for trying past the receptionist.



TRUTH BE TOLD. I have gone to Dr. Nasr as long as I can remember. In all of the years I have gone, other than the wait, I have never had a problem with Dr. Cafferty or Dr. Nasr. In fact, I was a little upset that Dr. Cafferty had left, because he was my favorite doctor. I have seen him more than any other doctor, and I think its important to develop a relationship with your doctor instead of traveling all around the country seeking other opinions. Since Dr. Cafferty has left I have developed a relationship with Dr. Nasr. I've been to quite a few doctors and most of them get you in and get you out. That has never been the case for Dr. Nasr. In my opinion I couldn't ask for anything more in a doctor.
I'm no genius, but I did graduate high school. This is my opinion. I may be right or I may be wrong. Dr. Nasr is a general doctor, not a specialist. In saying that he wouldn't be able to figure out what is wrong with someone if the illness has never existed on the planet. That would be the job of a specialist. I don't think they have a specialist that could figure out what your illness is unless its a head doctor. I'm not going to open the dictionary, to try and use big words that I didn't know existed until I posted a message, trying to make myself sound more creditable.
The only legitimate illness you may have could be damage to your body and especially your brain from years of narcotics. Putting trash in your body produces trash. Look what it's done to you. You've been dying for the last 10 years, so you say. Your brain is the best cure of all, that's why placebos work so well. I think if you tell yourself there is something wrong with you, for so many years, eventually your body will listen to your brain and you'll start to have something wrong. Your problem is your brain, nothing more.
As far as your family goes. Dr. Nasr is far from the problem. When you point the finger at someone, you have four more pointing at you. Look in the mirror if you want to see who's behind family problems. That's a cowardly way out to blame a doctor for your problems. You are the biggest two face person on the planet. To live a double life as if nothing is wrong in public and behind closed doors, to be the biggest trainwreck the family has ever seen. Then, once again, you point the finger as if everyone else is to blame and nothing is wrong in your perfect little world. You treat your family worse than I would treat my worst enemy and talk so badly about them when they are not around and have the nerve to talk to them as if nothing ever happened. I guess in your drugged up, dillusional world, nothing did. You would be more tolerable if when you were around you would talk about more things than how you were dying. If I were dying I would live every day as if it were my last. I wouldn't talk about it. I would just be happy about every second that I spent with my family and I would cherrish those moments. I would make an effort to see my only grandkids that live 5 min. away. Its a shame that your grandkids dont even know you as a grandmother. I'm glad because they don't need crazy in there life, your kids had enough of that and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I feel bad that the one's who are left got sucked into your world of insanity. I wouldn't start arguments at my daughters graduation when that should be her time to shine. Take out the selfishness and take others into consideration. You haven't done that your entire life, why start now. I guess that's what we call KARMA.

I am on my way to becoming a well established member of the community. I have good relationships with everyone that I come in contact with. It's a shame people know who I am because of you and not because of me. I only hope that my relationship with Dr. Nasr and others aren't affected by your stupidity. They know the lies and the tales that you tell. I'm not shallow enough to respond because I know the truth and I don't care what anyone else thinks. Now you are starting to attack other people and drag what's wrong in your brain. Your years of drug abuse and mistreating your their names in the mud and that's a different story. So, now, I will step out of the shadows and call you out. There is nothing wrong with you except for body have now caught up with you and that is no one's fault but your own. No doctor can cure that except to give you pain pills and when they feel that you are taking them for recreation instead of how they are supposed to be taken they cut you off. Then you write a big message about how you have been abused and misdiagnosed and blah, blah, blah, and you bash the doctors for not giving a drug addict drugs. Yeah, that's definately what doctors shouldn't do. Your doctor charts are about 9 inches thick, all saying nothing is wrong except for drug abuse. That must be wrong, lets go all over the country to get other opinions. Wow, what a suprise, they are all the same. That must mean that every doctor in america is wrong. Going on the news and saying how you can't make it through the day without OXYCODONE is a joke. You can't do anything with your family without it. Like what, make everyone's life around you a living hell? Then the news clip ends with a family portrait on the wall. Priceless, you should have received an acting award.
In conclusion, to someone who has nothing but time to think of ways to ruin people's lives. I got off topic during all of this, but my point is the same. I wrote this to simply prove that your entire life has been a lie. Everything about you is a lie. To your family, your friends, anyone who has met you and anyone who will read your pile of lies. You have tried and ruined enough lives around you. Now, why don't you just cut off your phone, cut off your computer, and lock your doors. Keep your mouth shut, mind your own business, live life the best you can while you still have it and most important keep all your bull#### to yourself.
Your son

You joined the forums just to post in here and say all that?

Do you know this person IRL?


New Member


  • oh-snap.jpg
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Did you read the last line?


Yes, I did read it. And I still pose the same question.

I can sign

(Your father)

That does not make it true.

If I post here, I find it hard that one of my kids are going to find out, create an account and post all within a short time frame....


New Member
Dr. Rafik Nasr & Dr. S. Cafferty beware!

I will get to the topic in a few paragraphs.
The problem is not whether someone has health insurance or not. The problem lies within the health"care" community. The only advocate for a sick or injured person is themselves.

So, if you are not sick, do whatever you can to remain healthy or establish a healthy lifestyle. There is not one physician that is going to spend more than 7 to 15 minutes thinking about your symptoms because their attorneys and insurance companies tell the physicians that is the limit of time they can spend on any one person.

The physicians attorneys and insurance companies also tell them to not take new patients that are chronically ill because they can be a liability and take up too much of the physicians time.

I have two PPO insurances and they pay for everything that a physician writes an order for but they do not pay the physician to diagnose me. The problem is getting a physician that will listen to you and speak to you without sarcasm, lies or without you having to talk to the back of their head after they had walked out of the exam room and you were not done asking questions.

Physicians want to write prescriptions to cover up the symptoms but they do not want to try to figure out what is actually causing the symptoms, because they simply do not care.

I have had the privledges to hang out with the nurses behind the desk where patients cannot see what is happening. I receive these statements first hand. They even smoke cigarettes in the back where the patients rooms are. This is Dr. Nasrs office.

I am 42 years old and have been chronically ill with some type of very painful degenerative disease(s)/disorder(s). My first symptom was over 15 years ago. I have been seeking a competent physician all of the years that I have lived in Southern MD.

I have not found one general physician or specialist locally or at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, at Universities around Baltimore and the District of Columbia that have been interested in helping me figure out what is causing my symptoms.

After 15 years the list of symptoms has grown to Neurological, Rheumatological, Endocrinology, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Dermatology,Alternative Therapy, Surgeons, (Calvert has only 2 surgeons as of now) and many more.

So I have to say that poor health"care" is not just in Southern MD, it is just worse in Southern MD, but it is a nationwide epidemic. How many of you know that in the United States, the most powerful country in the world (for now), the richest country (so they claim), has over fifty million people living in unbearable pain every second of every day because they are undertreated.

This is an epidemic also. Chronic pain patients that are not treated or under-treated when their is medication available to treat these people. Yes, I am one of them but my pain has been treated adequately.

I have done advococy work with APF, I have done news interviews about how the people that misuse pharmaceuticals are hurting the people that are in chronic pain and need pain medications, I have spoke for the press, physicians and the media about this matter.

It is a battle that is never going to end. Why? Because the doctors are sissy's and self-absorbed. If they do not care about treating people with dignity, respect, and humanity then they should get out of the health care field. PERIOD.

It is not just Southern Md, but I have to say that all of the physicians that I have consulted with in Southern MD are a joke. I have been going to the same general practitioner for about 7 years or so, Dr. Nasr. I saw him right before Christmas and he told my husband while I was sitting there that he "wanted to get rid of me". He stated that he is not qualified to prescribe me the medications that he has been prescribing me over the past 7 years. Now that's comforting! I have a lot more to say about these physicians but to the right people..

If you have any stories about the two physicians mentioned in this heading, please email me privately and let me know what has happened.

We are getting as many stories, bad incidents, etc. as we can get about the above two physicians. My story alone is enough because they have failed to act, not misdiagnosed but missed diagnosed me, and so much more and have left me for dead.

Even if you just want to vent about them, drop me an email. I promise your email address or name will not get back to either one of them and the email will not be read by anyone but myself.

I am a patient of the two but I am in no way an advocate for these miserable physicians. I would be too embarrassed to admit that. They have abused my rights as a patient and do not care so I do not care and would love to start a class action lawsuit against them.

Just from the people that I have spoken to or emailed, they have ruined many peoples lives not just mine. I will tell anyone what they have done to me and if there is an attorney reading this and if you are interested in a lawsuit please email me.

I have been out right violated in many ways. They both knew long ahead of time what they were going to be doing to the patients so don't feel sorry for them. They should not even have a license to practice.

Too many details to write right now but they have left a lot of people high and dry because they did things wrong and now they have to cover their as-es at the patients expense. I have attorneys available if anyone has questions also. Please email me at: :boxing: EVERY DOG HAS THEIR DAY AND IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR THEM TO PAY.

In order to get through this whole "story" I had to put in some paragraph breaks....

You do know that Dr. C is not with Dr. Nasr.... and hasn't been in quite some time.... right?