Need Story Ideas


New Member
OK - everyone... it's that time again... I need story ideas. Anything related to sports, send them over and I'll take a look. :buddies:
OK - everyone... it's that time again... I need story ideas. Anything related to sports, send them over and I'll take a look. :buddies:

A Mexican walks into a sports bar with a parrot on his shoulder.
The bartender says "hey, where did you get that at?"
The parrot said "Mexico, they are loaded with 'em down there."

Not necessarily about sports, but it does happen in a sports bar. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I need ideas for local papers - young athletes to older athletes...thanks ~

Budds Creek. Dirt bike stories. Little kids, old guys, everyone in between, folks from all over. Family affair.

You'll find that dirt bike riders, all things considered, are the best athletes in the world. Reflexes, athletic skill, stamina, strength, courage, toughness, resilience. I took it up last fall and I am simply shocked what all goes into it.

If you don't do that story, some day, I will. :buddies:


I love her wild,wild hair
You'll find that dirt bike riders, all things considered, are the best athletes in the world. Reflexes, athletic skill, stamina, strength, courage, toughness, resilience.

:yeahthat: I had one in my formative years, we lived in a valley in CT, I got to ride mine in the spring river beds up the mountain. We also had a sand pit/rock and gravel business close by. All the boys always bet that I couldn't ride up those big rock hills. I could and thought they were very cool to go up and down. I was so fit, it helped me in high school sports and when I played softball here in the county.


New Member
I work at a local newspaper, just looking for ideas since the HS season will end here shortly......

Cover some of the local Little League games.

A have a few High School players on my team.

We paly Monday at 6 at Chansllors Run.


You might find something in the local girls travel softball team worth pursuing,12U Osprey's they're pretty good and are every bit as talented and competitive as the boys teams are.