Needing Calvert County INfo


New Member
Anyone live over in CRE that can tell me:

If there's cable there, or does everyone use "dish" network? Etc.

And the utilities, uh....basically we are moving over to that area, and getting utlilities estableished here is ALOT different than the state we moved from.

Does that area use Smeco?
If the area has cabletv capabilities, what cabletv company is out there? And where the heck is the cable office nearest to?

I'm not trying to put anything down with this post in a negative manner, because i like the area we have chosen to move to.
But things SURE are different when it comes to chosing utilities here in this area than where I'm originally from.

One thing I do know is, that i need Calvert County phone book...
I'm at a loss at the moment, until the end of April.

Can anyone clue me in on how to find this type of info?

If anything I've maybe made you giggle that I'm so dorky about finding out this kind of stuff.

Thanks in advance... :)


New Member
Calvert County Utilities

CRE Utilities= Chesapeake Ranch Water Company

electric = SMECO 410-535-4400

cable= Comcast - 888-266-2278
office located on route 231 in the Industrial Park right outside of Prince Frederick