Judge rules against Japanese professor who accused boss of racial discrimination for discussing sushi
Employment Judge Brown in the United Kingdom ruled that University of London's Nana Sato-Rossberg was not a victim of racism amid her boss' remark that she loves sushi.
Crazy liberal got the feefees because her boss mentioned that she and her family like sushi.
"A reasonable person would not take offence at such complimentary and friendly words. In this case, [Prof] Ozanne’s words were not even ‘unfortunate’. They were not reasonably seen as hurtful or misjudged," the Tribunal continued. "On the contrary, [Prof Sato-Rossberg’s] objection reflected [her] own hypersensitivity and predisposition to find fault with Ms Ozanne."
I'm actually shocked that a UK judge would find that to be an innocuous comment and not a horrifying word-violence personal attack. The UK legal system is notorious for being whiny bitches who want to throw innocent people in jail over imagined thought-crimes.