Never to soon...


Set Trippin
First of all, congrats to the Skins on a hell of a year!!!!! :banana:

Now, what should they do on the off season?






off the shelf
mainman said:
First of all, congrats to the Skins on a hell of a year!!!!! :banana:

Now, what should they do on the off season?





I need some things done around my house....and I'm sure there are other people that need some things done, too

HEY!....WE COULD RENT THEM OUT!...we would make millions!!!!



Lem Putt
mainman said:
First of all, congrats to the Skins on a hell of a year!!!!! :banana:

Now, what should they do on the off season?





Get a QB who can play all four quarters, and send Brunell off to the retirement home.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
mainman said:
First of all, congrats to the Skins on a hell of a year!!!!! :banana:

Now, what should they do on the off season?


Enroll in a trade school?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
First off...

...I must divulge that the people at make you Brunellbots look like disinterested bystanders.

In response to the reality that my posting that Mark is done and Joe wasted the season in holding everyone accountable except Mark:

This is a ridiculous post. Just another fan with very little knowledge of the game, read my post on page 11, geared toward just this type of cheerleader. Its a little football 101 for you lesser minded folk. You can thank me later fro the free knowledge.

and some dipshit named Monkart (clever, huh?)

So you sit around here since joining in December, just waiting for it to play out. Now that we lost you have all this pent up anger, and NOW YOU"RE the most EXTREME fan of us all , it's your job to ***** us into a better team. What a pathetic post to say the least, you're going to put me down because I see the positives of this season and I am happy how far we got in just Joe's second season back. is your problem? What would your post have been like had we won it all? That's what I would like to know!! It's so ******* easy to shoot your mouth off after the fact isn't it? You should feel ill, because you're making me sick!!!! Larry!! your post was a GUDE for nothing piece of, it seems, being a Johnny come lately, I may not be a good source for ideas.


Nothing to see here
Was I too rough on ya?:lmao: Everyone is a genius on msg boards and forums, especially fanatics

This season came down to a 'chicken and the egg' thing. 2 options, do we use go with a proven, but pretty much used up, qb and possibly make the playoffs; or go young at qb and develop the future at qb?

We went route #1 and I have to trust that Gibbs didn't think we had a young QB that was gonna be around next year and another that wasn't close to taking the reins and would be better served observing this year. I have no qualms at all with this season BUT we now go into next season with the same questions at qb. Brunell has proven to me that he is too old to take us to the next level and we are left with developing a qb and having to deal with a season of mistakes from the qb position.

All in all, it was a great ride, I can't complain.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I'll complain for both of us.

All he had to do was give Pat 5 freaking games.

At that point, either Pat, in that magic 4th year, is the guy or he's not and then you have a FRESH Brunell who might still have something in the tank now had he not played the whole season.

He didn't give anyone the 2nd half against the 49ers. he didn't give anyone the 4th quarter against Dallas.

He took a rickety old engine and stepped on the gas pedal until it stopped running.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Well this is what I expect during the offseason...
completion of my new house
and the usual stuff (work, pay bills etc.)

As what I would like to see from the Redskins,
a good #2 WR a tall possesion type guy either from free agency or the draft. Get Patten healthy and get him some serious rehab from the knee surgery.
Look for a young stud DE (maybe we can kidnap Merriman) Try to "encourage" some salary restructuring to free up some cap space. Samuels (who has never impressed me) and LaVar are two that come to mind. This will not happen but I would like to see if their stated commitment to the team extends to their bank accounts. I do not blame them if they don't, I wouldn't.

I am still pleased with this team and the direction in which they seem to be heading. Kornheiser (and otter quoting Tony K) said it best. The fans have something to look forward to next year. GO SKINS!!



Lem Putt
otter said:
Was I too rough on ya?:lmao: Everyone is a genius on msg boards and forums, especially fanatics

This season came down to a 'chicken and the egg' thing. 2 options, do we use go with a proven, but pretty much used up, qb and possibly make the playoffs; or go young at qb and develop the future at qb?

We went route #1 and I have to trust that Gibbs didn't think we had a young QB that was gonna be around next year and another that wasn't close to taking the reins and would be better served observing this year. I have no qualms at all with this season BUT we now go into next season with the same questions at qb. Brunell has proven to me that he is too old to take us to the next level and we are left with developing a qb and having to deal with a season of mistakes from the qb position.

All in all, it was a great ride, I can't complain.

I think Gibbs was just following orders with the QB choice. Danny boy wanted a superbowl this year, even if it meant sacrificing the quality of the team in following years. That's because Danny boy is all about instant gratification.

If Danny had wanted Gibbs to build a dynasty, Brunell never would have gotten a snap.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Interesting points...

kom526 said:
Well this is what I expect during the offseason...
completion of my new house
and the usual stuff (work, pay bills etc.)

As what I would like to see from the Redskins,
a good #2 WR a tall possesion type guy either from free agency or the draft. Get Patten healthy and get him some serious rehab from the knee surgery.
Look for a young stud DE (maybe we can kidnap Merriman) Try to "encourage" some salary restructuring to free up some cap space. Samuels (who has never impressed me) and LaVar are two that come to mind. This will not happen but I would like to see if their stated commitment to the team extends to their bank accounts. I do not blame them if they don't, I wouldn't.

I am still pleased with this team and the direction in which they seem to be heading. Kornheiser (and otter quoting Tony K) said it best. The fans have something to look forward to next year. GO SKINS!!


...about the whole QB 'thing'.


Football addict
#1 put in Campbell

#2 get a #2 (receiver)

#3 fix that O line. You can't pass or run if you can't protect.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
We all know that Patrick is not Joe's guy, but does the team try to keep him or let him go this off season? To me, the average fan, it would not be very fair of the organization to NOT let him go. If there is no intention of playing him unless an injury occurs to oyur starter why steal money that he could be getting from another team? Detroit and NY Jets are both in need of a arm for hire, though I do not know how the Jets are set for WRs, Chrebet is supposedly retiring this year.

I was calling for Gibbs to put Ramsey in after the half, just ask BuddyLee and Gumbo. My argument for putting him in was, "What is the worse that could happen? They lose?"


Well-Known Member
Larry...'re probably not gonna want to hear this but; when I see Ramsey I flash back to another young QB that Gibbs really didn't want: Jay Schroeder. Gibbs has always preferred the vet over the youngster. The only reason he went with Schroeder was because of the worst broken leg in TV history. He shipped him out shortly after the first temper tantrum. He went and got Doug Williams and then Mark "Aren't you Cal's older brother?" RYPIEN .
As far as Gibbs following Danny's orders: I don't see Gibbs knuckling under.
If Danny had "ordered" him to play Brunell, Joe would have jumped in the driver's seat of the #20 car and drove straight to Daytona, never to return. I see Gibbs getting a semi-proven backup somewhat younger than Doug Flutie, then trying Campbell in mini-camp. If it works, great, if not, the vet will move in and Campbell moves to #2, with a late round pick as #3. What I'm afraid they will REALLY need is a running back, because those shoulders of Portis would scare the hell out of me. I also think he will give Jacobs one more year to pan out. He can always pick up his kind of Off Linemen in the middle rounds. What say you?
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm glad...

..for Pat to be leaving. That's the only way he gets a fair chance.

Gibbs kept Schroeder around awhile; he was #2 behind Doug the year Doug blew up Denver in the Superbowl.

But I hear you.

Also, Dan Snyder, nor anyone else for that matter, is about to tell Joe Gibbs who to play. I don't know where that idea got life. I think Snyer is like the rest of us; he reveres Joe.

This whole Campbell business sounds good to me. I'm OK with it. ANYTHING but Brunell again. Back up, fine, but not as intended starter.

I think out #3 will be some kid we've never heard of taken in the 6th round or so. I also would not be shocked if FLUTIE was our #3!

I think you're right about Jacobs. These guys can not catch what isn't thrown to them.

Look back over the season; We lost two games by more than a touchdown; NY #1 and Seattlelast weekend.

If Grandpa Mark had made just a play or two more per game, 15-1 was a touchdown or less per game away.

That's the real notice that Gibbs is back; we were in every game, save 1, just like old times.

This defense in it's third year will compete for being the best. It's already good enough to win it all.

This team is RIGHT there.