New beer Miller Chill?


New Member
nmpali said:
anyone try it yet? Anyone know if any place is selling it yet?
Yea, it's been out awhile. It's ok but but not great and at $6.99 a 6 pack a tad expensive. Not worth it IMO.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Yea, it's been out awhile. It's ok but but not great and at $6.99 a 6 pack a tad expensive. Not worth it IMO.
Do you think if I run down the block to ABC's across from Sheetz they'd have it?


Mikeinsmd said:
Yea, it's been out awhile. It's ok but but not great and at $6.99 a 6 pack a tad expensive. Not worth it IMO.

I like a good macro brew like Miler LT. but if they can get a piece of the corona market I say more power to em.

If you gota fruit in a beer then you are a girly girl



New Member
Dougstermd said:
If you gota fruit in a beer then you are a girly girl orYOU ARE GHEY!
:nono: Blue Moon should always be served with an orange slice as Corona with lime. Any wheat beer should also have a lemon wedge.

Sam Adams Cherry Wheat & Pyramid Apricot are also good beers.
Mikeinsmd said:
:nono: Blue Moon should always be served with an orange slice as Corona with lime. Any wheat beer should also have a lemon wedge.

Sam Adams Cherry Wheat & Pyramid Apricot are also good beers.



New Member
So they have that hear too. When I was up in Ohio a few months ago I couldn't find it. In Houston it was pushed pretty hard for a while and we liked it. As for the price of beer it seems like just like everything else beer is more expensive here.


Has confinement issues..
I have been drinking it for about a month... Irt's pretty good if you like lime and aren't fond of strong flavored beers.


Mikeinsmd said:
:gossip: It's mIcrobrews and Miller Light is not a microbrew... :lmao:

Hey dummy look up the meaning of Macro and then you will get the jest of the post.

micro= those small batches of GHEY beer with fruit

if you really think they are brewed in micro batches :smack:


New Member
nmpali said:
OK, I'm back and sitting here drinking one. I honestly don't taste much of a difference. Pretty bottle though :~)

I bought a six two weeks ago and drank two and gave the other 4 to my friend's wife...

To me, it was overly carbonated and nothing like what I expected. I'll stick to my Sam's Summer Ale.