New bra developed at Texas A&M


In My Opinion
Dr. Calvin Rickson, a scientist from Texas A&M University has invented a bra that keeps women's breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipples from pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in.

At a news conference, after announcing the invention, a large group of men took Dr. Rickson outside and kicked the #### out of him.



Pitty Party
bcp said:
Dr. Calvin Rickson, a scientist from Texas A&M University has invented a bra that keeps women's breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipples from pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in.

At a news conference, after announcing the invention, a large group of men took Dr. Rickson outside and kicked the #### out of him.

Take the girl with no bra, stick them in his face.. :huggy:

End of story


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
bcp said:
Dr. Calvin Rickson, a scientist from Texas A&M University has invented a bra that keeps women's breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipples from pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in.

At a news conference, after announcing the invention, a large group of men took Dr. Rickson outside and kicked the #### out of him.

Working with 15 men and only 2 women on a daily basis, I'd kind of like his bra. I'd just like ONE OF THEM to look me in the eyes. The men are so friggin obvious about what they are looking at.


In My Opinion
BS Gal said:
Working with 15 men and only 2 women on a daily basis, I'd kind of like his bra. I'd just like ONE OF THEM to look me in the eyes. The men are so friggin obvious about what they are looking at.

Ok, so like if I as a real man that I am, walked into the office with an impressive woody poking a pup tent into the front of my pants, You, as a normal women, that you are, would not stare at my massive (descriptive advertising never hurts) member as it began popping the metal teeth from my zipper?

I fail to see the difference.

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
bcp said:
Ok, so like if I as a real man that I am, walked into the office with an impressive woody poking a pup tent into the front of my pants, You, as a normal women, that you are, would not stare at my massive (descriptive advertising never hurts) member as it began popping the metal teeth from my zipper?

I fail to see the difference.

:killingme Good point! IMO, I could care less if men look at my nipples. They obviously begging for attention, otherwise why would they stand up like that! :lmao:


New Member
new bra

BS Gal said:
Working with 15 men and only 2 women on a daily basis, I'd kind of like his bra. I'd just like ONE OF THEM to look me in the eyes. The men are so friggin obvious about what they are looking at.

If god didnt want us looking at them, he wouldn't have made them so big. ALso many of the women with big ones ask for it by wearing provocitive clothes.


BS Gal said:
The men are so friggin obvious about what they are looking at.

That's because you're looking at their eyes.
Stare at their package and you won't notice what they're looking at.


I wanna be a SMIB
male20674 said:
If god didnt want us looking at them, he wouldn't have made them so big. ALso many of the women with big ones ask for it by wearing provocitive clothes.

Did a man really just say this? Asking for it? What year is this again? :smack:


aka Mrs. Giant
male20674 said:
If god didnt want us looking at them, he wouldn't have made them so big. ALso many of the women with big ones ask for it by wearing provocitive clothes.
What an arse you are. :rolleyes:


I know nothing
BS Gal said:
Working with 15 men and only 2 women on a daily basis, I'd kind of like his bra. I'd just like ONE OF THEM to look me in the eyes. The men are so friggin obvious about what they are looking at.

BS Gal, will you tell your boobs to stop staring at my eyes!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Male20674
If god didnt want us looking at them, he wouldn't have made them so big. ALso many of the women with big ones ask for it by wearing provocitive clothes.

Ok ladies....let's all wear big, baggy, figure-hiding sweaters so we can stop asking for men to ogle our tatas.

:smack: It's called self-control, men.


I know nothing
Cowgirl said:
Ok ladies....let's all wear big, baggy, figure-hiding sweaters so we can stop asking for men to ogle our tatas.

:smack: It's called self-control, men.

Its called animal instinct.... we will find something else to ogle. Hide you boobs, we will look at butt. Hide your butt, we will look at legs. Hide your legs then we will look at eyes or smile.

Your body parts are our lure..... It just depends on the lure that your fishing with, as to what man you will attract.


professional daydreamer
LordStanley said:
Your body parts are our lure..... It just depends on the lure that your fishing with, as to what man you will attract.

If never seen it stated so perfectly.


Cleopatra Jones
I don't understand why women are so flipping uptight and don't just take it as a compliment. I'd rather a man look at my hoots all day opposed to saying something vulgar or retarded. For example, I work in an environment that 95% men. I share my office with a man. There are two types of men. The ones that are over the top sugar sweet and very friendly and the shy ones that won't even look you in the eye as you pass them in the hallway. So there are a handfull of guys in my office with my officemate. A smoking bussy from down the hall comes in and asks me if I want to go burn one. I hadn't been out yet that morning so I asked if I needed to take off my sweater (my office is always freezing and I wear a sweater jacket), so my officemate of all people (guys get ballsy in a crowd) pipes up and says "If you take off your sweater I'm going to need a smoke." :smack: Dude, I'm fairly confident in the fact that you've oogled the hoots before and I was ok with it because you're a guy and that's what guys do; why be a jackass and draw attention to yourself by saying something retarded.


Bow wow
pixiegirl said:
I don't understand why women are so flipping uptight and don't just take it as a compliment. I'd rather a man look at my hoots all day opposed to saying something vulgar or retarded. For example, I work in an environment that 95% men. I share my office with a man. There are two types of men. The ones that are over the top sugar sweet and very friendly and the shy ones that won't even look you in the eye as you pass them in the hallway. So there are a handfull of guys in my office with my officemate. A smoking bussy from down the hall comes in and asks me if I want to go burn one. I hadn't been out yet that morning so I asked if I needed to take off my sweater (my office is always freezing and I wear a sweater jacket), so my officemate of all people (guys get ballsy in a crowd) pipes up and says "If you take off your sweater I'm going to need a smoke." :smack: Dude, I'm fairly confident in the fact that you've oogled the hoots before and I was ok with it because you're a guy and that's what guys do; why be a jackass and draw attention to yourself by saying something retarded.
:high5:to the office guy :killingme


I know nothing
pixiegirl said:
I don't understand why women are so flipping uptight and don't just take it as a compliment. I'd rather a man look at my hoots all day opposed to saying something vulgar or retarded. For example, I work in an environment that 95% men. I share my office with a man. There are two types of men. The ones that are over the top sugar sweet and very friendly and the shy ones that won't even look you in the eye as you pass them in the hallway. So there are a handfull of guys in my office with my officemate. A smoking bussy from down the hall comes in and asks me if I want to go burn one. I hadn't been out yet that morning so I asked if I needed to take off my sweater (my office is always freezing and I wear a sweater jacket), so my officemate of all people (guys get ballsy in a crowd) pipes up and says "If you take off your sweater I'm going to need a smoke." :smack: Dude, I'm fairly confident in the fact that you've oogled the hoots before and I was ok with it because you're a guy and that's what guys do; why be a jackass and draw attention to yourself by saying something retarded.

Since you share a room, and most likely have had converstations, he probably felt the ice has been broken and was comfortable commenting like that. Could be harmless flirting.


Cleopatra Jones
LordStanley said:
Since you share a room, and most likely have had converstations, he probably felt the ice has been broken and was comfortable commenting like that. Could be harmless flirting.

I'm sure it was harmless flirting. Regardless it was retarded to say in front of a bunch of people when he'd never said anything before or since without an audience. I'm fairly chill and while it was stupid I wasn't offended. My main concern was his audience. Being a young and attractive female in a just about all male environment someone at some point is going to speculate something. Had he said something similar to just me or in front of me and just my smoking buddy it would have been a different story. It was a foolish comment to make with other people around.


Well-Known Member
I don't get bent out of shape when I know a guy is looking...but there comes a point when it is disrespectful. I don't mind a few glances, but when their eyes are glued there for the whole conversation, it's annoying. When it happens in a workplace, it becomes more of a touchy subject. I also don't think that women "ask for it" when they wear regular work clothes. If a woman is wearing a blouse that is low cut enough for men to think she's "asking for it", she shouldn't be wearing it at work unless she's a hooker.

Now, if I'm out at a bar, all bets are off! :whistle: