New CNN expert..


PREMO Member
(CNN)Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in President Donald Trump's impeachment inquiry, is retiring from the US Army after more than 21 years of military service because he determined that his future in the armed forces "will forever be limited" due to political retaliation by the President and his allies, his lawyer told CNN Wednesday.

Because NOBODY wants to serve with his PUNK ASS



Well-Known Member
My guess is he got his official pink slip from the President...
Good riddance...


Well-Known Member
Because NOBODY wants to serve with his PUNK ASS
would like to see @ Yoopers comments on Vindmans decision to close the loop on this.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Clearly he either strongly believes Trump will be reelected or his excuse is bullshit. Why not wait and see if Biden wins in November and make your decision then?

My take is that he's a weaselly little piece of political chit who backed the wrong horse.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
I think it was HIGHLY unlikely Vindman was going to accept promotion to O-6; in other words, he was headed to the exit regardless. Vindman had two paths that led to the same final/eventual destination.

"Path 1" was if he didn't get selected for O-6. He and his allies in the Dems and MSM would claim retaliation by the Army & Trump (undue command influence, etc.). This would provide these folks ample opportunity to play "OrangeManBad v. 80,000,000."

"Path 2" was to claim essentially the same thing as "Path 1," albeit with a little less oomph. I don't see his announcement today as planned to coincide with the Duckworth stuff, but for the Dems/MSM/#NeverTrumpers it's "sauce for the goose" (get it?).

I'm sure Vindman will get a nice DC job (in DC or close-by) in the hope Biden wins in November. If that happens he comes back into government (maybe even the NSC where he'll double dip). If Trump wins, Vindman stays close to DC and gets a job with Brookings (or the like). Maybe moves on to Harvard or some other bastion of higher education looking to add to its lib creds.

In the near term, Vindman will let a few days/weeks/maybe months pass, but whenever he decides to start mouthing off (and wherever he is) he will let loose loudly b/c he is less bound as a retiree than he was as an officer. He'll be careful not to cross a certain line, but he'll get away with more latitude because a) he's got allies and b) he's small fry. And even if he chooses to be a bit reticent his allies won't be.

One other comment.

His retirement announcement really bugs me in that he announced his retirement after the new O-6 list was published. Unless Army Personnel Command (or whatever it's called these days) has changed its policy, announcing this decision post-list announcement means someone didn't get promoted (i.e., someone who would have been selected had Vindman submitted his retirement prior to the board). As a Foreign Area Officer promotion to O-6 is strictly quota-based as there are a very limited number of O-6 FAO jobs overall. Further, these jobs are assigned (and thus, selections made) based on sub-specialty. And in his sub-specialty there are probably less than one dozen (or so) available jobs worldwide each annual assignment cycle. (By way of comparison, in my last assignment cycle as an O-6 48E FAO there were only six available assignments worldwide!)

Unlike selection for senior service college (e.g., Army War College), there isn't an alternate list (at least, there wasn't when I was in); meaning, it's a zero sum game. So again, unless things have changed, somebody didn't get selected and at least one job will be filled by an O-5 (or someone might get involuntarily extended). Bottom line, not good for a whole host of reasons.

While I don't know for sure I'm fairly certain Vindman was going to announce his retirement whether he was selected or not. Which means he potentially knowingly screwed another officer. (While I was disappointed Vindman got selected his selection was - to me - pretty close to a slam dunk.)

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Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Because, for any number of reasons, there was no way a selection board was going to take the heat for not selecting him.

Once the board did select him, it was game over. The folks in the chain above the board would just pass the buck on saying "well, the selection board saw fit to select him, so...." Whether this was an exercise in moral cowardice, moral fortitude, bureaucratic inertia, picking one's battles, or whatever his selection was as certain as the sun rising.

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PREMO Member
Sen. Tammy Duckworth says she will block military promotions until Trump's defense secretary explains the 'disgraceful situation' that led Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman to retire

A Democratic senator and veteran is demanding an explanation from President Donald Trump's defense secretary of the "disgraceful situation" that saw a key impeachment witness retire from the military in response to what his lawyer described as presidential "bullying," and she will block over 1,000 senior military promotions until she gets it.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman requested retirement from the military Wednesday in response to a White House "campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation" led by the president, his lawyer said in a statement first reported by CNN.

Vindman, an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient who served on the National Security Council as a Ukraine expert, testified against Trump in House impeachment hearings, characterizing some of his actions as "improper."


Well-Known Member
Sen. Tammy Duckworth says she will block military promotions until Trump's defense secretary explains the 'disgraceful situation' that led Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman to retire

A Democratic senator and veteran is demanding an explanation from President Donald Trump's defense secretary of the "disgraceful situation" that saw a key impeachment witness retire from the military in response to what his lawyer described as presidential "bullying," and she will block over 1,000 senior military promotions until she gets it.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman requested retirement from the military Wednesday in response to a White House "campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation" led by the president, his lawyer said in a statement first reported by CNN.

Vindman, an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient who served on the National Security Council as a Ukraine expert, testified against Trump in House impeachment hearings, characterizing some of his actions as "improper."
What a brilliant plan. Piss off the police and military. The two groups that everyone says should have guns are the ones they want to alienate?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Vindman did not request retirement because he felt "bullied. He made a purely financial decision. His value to the anti-Trump swamp rats and leftist media is very time limited. Two years from now, Trump win or lose, it will be Vindman? Who? This is a make hay while the sun shines decision. And F'worth is using his promotion as a tool.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Sen. Tammy Duckworth says she will block military promotions until Trump's defense secretary explains the 'disgraceful situation' that led Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman to retire

A Democratic senator and veteran is demanding an explanation from President Donald Trump's defense secretary of the "disgraceful situation" that saw a key impeachment witness retire from the military in response to what his lawyer described as presidential "bullying," and she will block over 1,000 senior military promotions until she gets it.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman requested retirement from the military Wednesday in response to a White House "campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation" led by the president, his lawyer said in a statement first reported by CNN.

Vindman, an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient who served on the National Security Council as a Ukraine expert, testified against Trump in House impeachment hearings, characterizing some of his actions as "improper."
As I noted, per The Plan TM.

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PREMO Member
Retired Army Officer Remembers Lt. Col. Vindman as Partisan Democrat Who Ridiculed America

A retired Army officer who worked with Democrat “star witness” Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in Grafenwoher, Germany, claims Vindman “really talked up” President Barack Obama and ridiculed America and Americans in front of Russian military officers.

In an eye-opening thread on Twitter last week, retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman said that he “verbally reprimanded” Vindman after he heard some of his derisive remarks for himself. “Do not let the uniform fool you,” Hickman wrote. “He is a political activist in uniform.”

Hickman’s former boss at the Joint Multinational Simulation Center in Grafenwoehr has since gone on the record to corroborate his story.


Hickman said he decided to come forward because Vindman “disobeyed a direct order from the commander-in-chief, his boss,” made his testimony “about his foreign policy opinions versus facts,” and “wore his Army service uniform to make a political statement” against the president.

“Then right on cue, the mainstream media began calling him a war hero with a purple heart, and completely beyond reproach,” Hickman wrote in a statement to American Greatness and another journalist. “Knowing his political bias, backed by his somewhat radical left-leaning ideology, it was my obligation, indeed my duty, to come forward with this information. I couldn’t go to the same mainstream media to put it out, nor could I go to the Army, as they’re backing Vindman, so I took to Twitter, a source for getting the truth out,” he added.

original article

Dems’ ‘Star Witness’ Never Had Direct Contact with Trump, Had ‘Concerns’ About Ukraine Phone Call


I bowl overhand
Clearly he either strongly believes Trump will be reelected or his excuse is bullshit. Why not wait and see if Biden wins in November and make your decision then?

My take is that he's a weaselly little piece of political chit who backed the wrong horse.
It's all bullshit... He made it to a good sized Pension, but not he can make the REAL money..

Good Riddance to that fat ass.. damn Lt Col Infantryman driving a desk.. I'd put money on the fact he couldn't pass a PT test, and he's been pencil whipping personal requirements for years, the same way he wrote his own performance reviews.


I bowl overhand
Sen. Tammy Duckworth says she will block military promotions until Trump's defense secretary explains the 'disgraceful situation' that led Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman to retire

A Democratic senator and veteran is demanding an explanation from President Donald Trump's defense secretary of the "disgraceful situation" that saw a key impeachment witness retire from the military in response to what his lawyer described as presidential "bullying," and she will block over 1,000 senior military promotions until she gets it.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman requested retirement from the military Wednesday in response to a White House "campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation" led by the president, his lawyer said in a statement first reported by CNN.

Vindman, an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient who served on the National Security Council as a Ukraine expert, testified against Trump in House impeachment hearings, characterizing some of his actions as "improper."
But her LEGS!!!


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
(a) It's all bullshit... He made it to a good sized Pension, but now he can make the REAL money..

(b) Good Riddance to that fat ass.. damn Lt Col Infantryman driving a desk.. I'd put money on the fact he couldn't pass a PT test, and he's been pencil whipping personal requirements for years, (c) the same way he wrote his own performance reviews.
(a) Agreed. On both counts.

(b) Agree on the first count. Maybe true on the second.

(c) True. But in fairness to him that's what we all had to do. To be honest, I was stunned when, as an O-4, I first had to start doing that. But there is some justification for it: unlike in a cavalry squadron/armor battalion where I was one of < 10, I was one of MANY once I reached Major and was in the FAO jobs I had. The system is set up (rightly or wrongly) so that raters and certainly senior raters have too much to do and too many subordinates to keep track of (in some of my jobs my senior rater (early on, 2-stars and then later, 3-stars) didn't really even know me (and if he did it was because I had to make sure he did). In my last job I was one of 25 or so O-6s for my raters and one of probably double that for my senior rater!

There's also something rather cynical about it. Those of us who wanted to do a job but didn't like tooting our own horns were at a disadvantage compared to those who had no problem claiming they were Right Hand Men of The Second Coming. So our seniors (raters and senior raters) used our lack thereof against us if that worked to their favor. Politics was the one part of the Army I absolutely hated.... Anyway, I'll leave it to others to decide which camp Vindman bedded down in.

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