New commissioner board


Asperger's Poster Child
With Randall and Anderson (both defense contractor employees) out, the new commissioner board has no one tied to NAS Patuxent River. What do you think of this? It also looks like everyone on the new board was born in St. Mary's.

Also, Jenks Mattingly was told that according to the Hatch Act, he couldn't run as a Democrat. Why didn't this affect Vernon Gray, who also works on base?
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Originally posted by Tonio
With Randall and Anderson (both defense contractor employees) out, the new commissioner board has no one tied to NAS Patuxent River. What do you think of this? It also looks like everyone on the new board was born in St. Mary's.

Also, Jenks Mattingly was told that according to the Hatch Act, he couldn't run as a Democrat. Why didn't this affect Vernon Gray, who also works on base?

Tommy Mckay being Pres scares me, seeing as he has said that this county could survive without the base.

Interesting point about Jenks and Vernon. Hadn't thought of that. If I remember correctly, he's a civilian just like Jenks. Something fishy there


New Member
I am deeply saddened that our county has lost two of its greatest advocates: Julie Randall and Joe Anderson. Tommy McKay is a good leader and he ran a good campaign and I think that he will be a successful county commissioner. I love Mrs. Randall, we have been friends for years, but it was time for her to go and Mr. McKay is very worthy of the position. It just hurts me to see her go. However, I support Mr. McKay and I am confident that he is up to the job which I cannot say about some others.
Joe Anderson is also a good friend of mine but the victor in his race is by far no good leader. Kenny Dement is Mr. Softball, he is not a political leader. When asked questions about the issues he answers: "I don't know" or "I don't have a complete answer at this time." Mr. Dement did not even show up at the last couple of forums because he knew that the more he spoke, the less votes he would get. How will this nice, yet ignorant man fare in office? Very poorly if you ask me. I genuinely believed in this county but once a man with as little intelligence as Kenny Dement goes into office, a piece of my heart leaves. Poor Kenny, I just think that he doesn't know what he's getting into.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Also, Jenks Mattingly was told that according to the Hatch Act, he couldn't run as a Democrat. Why didn't this affect Vernon Gray, who also works on base?

Is Vernon a government employee or a contractor as that is probably the difference.


New Member
At around 8:40 last night at DEM HQ it appeared it was a REP sweep. As they always say the hardest thing in st marys county politics is to be re-elected as commissoner. This year the DEM team gave me an opportunity that changed my life. I am forever thankful. I like to thank Julie Randall for her service to the youth of this county. Better schools, higher teacher salaries, teen centers, parks, fields, playgrounds, and a new library to study in. Thank you. I love Joe Anderson. MY favorite. He told me at HQ while i was punching the horrendous numbers into the machine that its ok and that all it means is next time dig deeper into the trenches and try harder. I was so proud of him. Look for him in 06. :biggrin:

Thank you Mr. Mckay, it was fun. May you serve the community well and do not forget the students. To the rest of you, thanks for respecting my posts and my ideas. Thanks for an intresting and heated debate. Thank you for not taking for granted your right to vote. Although it will take me some time to get over this lost, it is on to 04. In 06 I can vote, and I can't wait to give the dems the majority back. But for now on let us try to make the county work in the present. Thanks again everyone and congrats you got most of your people in.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: New commissioner board

Originally posted by Terp Fan

He is a contractor. Works for Veridian.

That's the difference then as the Hatch Act only applies to Federal employees (personally I think it is a crock).

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
Thank you Mr. Mckay, it was fun. May you serve the community well and do not forget the students. To the rest of you, thanks for respecting my posts and my ideas. Thanks for an intresting and heated debate. Thank you for not taking for granted your right to vote. Although it will take me some time to get over this lost, it is on to 04. In 06 I can vote, and I can't wait to give the dems the majority back. But for now on let us try to make the county work in the present. Thanks again everyone and congrats you got most of your people in.

That's the difference between you and most of us. Personally I am not a straight party voter. I voted for folks from both major parties and at least one independent. We look at the over all good and not the party. You're young and you still have plenty of time to learn that.

I hope you hang around and play with us some more on the forums, keep engaged in the debate. As time goes by you might just have a change of attitude on what is important and trust me it isn't the political party. It is the character of the person and how they serve those they represent.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well rats, SMC! I was hoping to rub it in to you and Dems but ya'll are being so gracious that it would only make me look petty and small by comparison.

I like to see young people involved in the political process, regardless of ideology. Cheers to you and stick around - I've enjoyed your posts.


Football season!
From the voters I have been around, it has always seemed that the younger ones were more willing to cross party lines than their elders.. Guess as they they older they become more and more set in their ways? I dunno. I'm just glad it is all over so MAYBE we can clean up our streets by tossing all those darn campaign signs into the trash.

Funny how people will jump your case about putting up a "Lost Dog" poster, but you can have political a$$holes staring at me as a drive down every single street in the county.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would lay money that we will see Anderson in '06. He's been running for Commissioner ever since I can remember - sometimes he wins, sometimes he loses.

I don't have a high opinion of him because I've worked with him before and got to see first hand that he doesn't understand how things work and how to be effective. I hate to watch people spin their wheels while they pontificate, so I'm not much of a Joe Anderson fan. All talk, no action.


Asperger's Poster Child
I won't go as far as Densford in my criticism of Kenny Dement. He is personable and he's not dumb. But he is even less articulate than KKT, if that's possible. I suspect Anderson might have won if Dement had participated in more forums.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When Kenny used to do the softball show on Channel 10, we used to joke that we should put subtitles under him. :lol:

But he isn't dumb by any stretch and he's a heck of a great guy. In every venue I've seen him under he's been the kind of guy where, if he didn't know something, he SAID he didn't know and would find out rather than make up some BS. I respect that and think he'll make a fine Commissioner.

tipsy mcgee

Always thirsty
I thought Jenks' being unable to run as a democrat had to do with his county government job on the Liquor Board. Not sure.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
From the voters I have been around, it has always seemed that the younger ones were more willing to cross party lines than their elders.. Guess as they they older they become more and more set in their ways? I dunno. I'm just glad it is all over so MAYBE we can clean up our streets by tossing all those darn campaign signs into the trash.

Funny how people will jump your case about putting up a "Lost Dog" poster, but you can have political a$$holes staring at me as a drive down every single street in the county.

They have two weeks to take the signs down.


Originally posted by tipsy mcgee
I thought Jenks' being unable to run as a democrat had to do with his county government job on the Liquor Board. Not sure.

Nah, liquor board didn't have anything to do with it


New Member
Joe calls Dement to congratulate him, Kenny asks what the hell do I do now. O'll be a long 4 years.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gloom, depair and agony on me
Deep dark depression, excessive misery!

Quit cryin', SMC - Kenny knows what to do. Hell, if he can keep all those ball teams straight, this should be a walk in the park.