New Community Pool in Calvert Co?

A couple of weeks ago, in the Southern MD Extra of the Post, I could have sworn I read that Calvert co was trying to fund a YMCA but that they already had funds AND approval for construction of a new community pool, either in the Drum Point or Cove Point communities. And that the pool was slated to open May 2005. Does anyone have any information on the new community pool? Is this true, that there will be a pool built that could be ready and opening next year? I'd love to be able to join, as I am sure it will be first opened to the members of that community and then there will probably be a wait list or something for those outside the community...


Bridget =)


Not dead yet.
Haven't heard a thing. Reminds me of the rumor that one was going into PF sometime soon, maybe along Dares Beach road? I'm about ready to just get my own pool and say the heck with it. (not that I have pool money burning a hole in my pocket).

Well, I did a google search and found this off of the Calvert County Government Commissioner's Agenda....

Met with members of the Prince Frederick Aquatic Center team and received additional information requested. Approved not proceeding with the project at this time, but place it in the capital budget. Also approved that the indoor pool (50 meter) be placed in the CIP; and approved that the outdoor pool water park not be placed in a future year in the CIP at this time. Regarding the proposed outdoor swimming pool at Cove Point Park, the Board approved that the project move forward. Lastly, approved that the bond funding request for the Prince Frederick Aquatic Center for the 2004 General Assembly be removed from the list of legislative requests.

I wished I had saved that article in the post!!!! Oh well...
