New Construction in PF


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Probably a gay bar. Calvert sucks.
You do like the gay subject. It's ok Richard, this is 2007, you can come out of the closet now, nobody will mind! We are all certain your gay anyway.


New Member
I was told by a salesperson at Bayside that they are building a bypass through there. He said that is why, when the Toyota portion of the dealership was constructed, they have the building facing in that direction.


Project Name:
MD 2/4, Solomons Island Road
Location of Project:
Upgrade MD 2/4, from south of MD 765 to north of Stoakley Road, to a 6 lane divided highway with auxiliary lanes (3.79 miles). Sidewalks will be included where appropriate. Wide curb lanes will accommodate bicycles. (BRAC Related)
Detailed Project Information:
Project Type:
Current Phase: Design
Funded Year : 1996
Funding Source(s): State/Federal
Last Updated On : 9/21/2007
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New Member
I also heard that the construction was for a bypass road in Prince Frederick. Maybe we could name this road the Richard Knucklehead Cranium Bypass. Cranium could then "bypass" Calvert County and leave the rest of us alone!!! :razz:


New Member
I believe its going to be where the new indoor pool is going to be located. Thats what the Toyota dealership told my girlfriend when she went there for an oil change.


I think it's both bypass road and the Aquatic Center (indoor swimming pool). Also it's the site for future Prince Frederick towne center possibily including some sort of community center. I don't know what is being built first, second and third. If you look down Theater drive off Stoakley road, you will see construction being done.

Washington Post said:
The Aquatic center will consist 42,155-square-foot facility that could serve a wide range of residents by including a 50-meter lap pool, a therapy pool and a leisure pool. The Indoor Aquatic Center is to be built on a site on Theater Drive, which also is slated to be the location for a community center.

They are calling for the PF Indoor Aquatic Center to be open in Fall 2008 so I figure the construction has got to start already. 28 acres for Indoor Aquatic center is a lot of land to mess around with. I don't know about the size of land for community center or PF towne center.
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New Member
SeaRide said:
I think it's both bypass road and the Aquatic Center (indoor swimming pool). Also it's the site for future Prince Frederick towne center possibily including some sort of community center. I don't know what is being built first, second and third. If you look down Theater drive off Stoakley road, you will see construction being done.

They are calling for the PF Indoor Aquatic Center to be open in Fall 2008 so I figure the construction has got to start already. 28 acres for Indoor Aquatic center is a lot of land to mess around with. I don't know about the size of land for community center or PF towne center.

Ummm, 42,000 square feet is a little less than one acre.