So I decided to get a new digital camera. I was thinking of a digital camcorder but figured a still camera would be fine.
Thanks MM, I read up on them from the link you gave me and got a Sony Cybershot DSC-W1.
Cool "little" camera. It is so small I almost feel cheated. 5.1MPixel, 128MB memory stick, will hold 51 High res pics, shoot 6 minutes of video, 3X zoom.
Took some pics of Boy in action and it words great.
Thanks MM, I read up on them from the link you gave me and got a Sony Cybershot DSC-W1.
Cool "little" camera. It is so small I almost feel cheated. 5.1MPixel, 128MB memory stick, will hold 51 High res pics, shoot 6 minutes of video, 3X zoom.
Took some pics of Boy in action and it words great.