New Here



:howdy: I've been lurking for a while, thought I'd finally join!


Would you look at that. 2 posts in, Board Mommy pulls the biatch card.


In My Opinion
Normally I would offer the up the adage of job security for you, but this one doesn't look like it will end in a premo membership.

just a guess here, and it is possible that I could be wrong but,, I really dont think that the money collected from the premo membership is enough to move Vrai up to the ranks of the super rich. actually, I doubt she would suffer financially if people didnt pay that 20 bucks or whatever it is in the first place.

dont get to thinking that the premo membership buys anyone any protection.


Dancing Up A Storm
Multiple personality disorder (MPD) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having at least one "alter" personality that controls behavior.

Their you have it:howdy:

Come on.... you can do better than that! :whistle:

Black Francis must be asleep! :lmao:


Pitty Party
Yo! We can do that quite well! :lmao:

Let me know when the next Wings and Beer gathering is going to happen; I'm thinking of bringing you a surprise offering!

But, it might test your BBQ skills. :dye:

That wasn't my wing recipe. I winged :)lol:) that because I didn't know who was going to show if anyone at all.

I went to the Moose in Mechanicsville last night and those are my wings. :yum: