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sunflower said:
Why did you leave?
It's a long story, but now I live in Idaho...Snow mobile all the time and the country there is beautiful! But my parents live here and my Mom talked me into getting on this forum. Would love to live here again, but too expensive! :biggrin:
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Loving My Life...
Lildevil said:
It's a long story, but now I live in Idaho...Snow mobile all the time and the country there is beautiful! But my parents live here and my Mom talked me into getting on this forum. Would love to live here again, but too expensive!

Sounds like you made a good choice. Is your mom on here?


New Member
Dupontster said:
Whose yer Daddy?
Oh, BTW, Welcome...How long did you live here...Notice any changes? :whistle:
Can't tell ya
I lived in MD for right around 6 years I guess...with a few breaks in between. But if I had it my way I would have stayed...should have stayed. Love it there! Back home in Idaho it here too.
Alot changed since I was last there about 12 years ago. The high school got bigger, more stores than I ever imagined. It was shocking. But still was the same ol' place. Home.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
meangirl said:
BSgal is your mom?
You're so quick. :huggy: I take no responsiblity for anything she does or says on here when she is defending me. She's meaner than me and she lubs me.