New member >>> Me


In My Opinion
Rain said:
Hi everybody :howdy:

i'm new to the area here :angel:

i just wanted to say hello and ask for places to go in weekends :whistle:
great to have you here.

about this weekend.
if you are female

check your things to do before you die book and see if you entered into it.

" have nasty sex with fat bald married man with bad feet"
get back to me.

if you are male.
you are on your own.


New Member
bcp said:
great to have you here.

about this weekend.
if you are female

check your things to do before you die book and see if you entered into it.

" have nasty sex with fat bald married man with bad feet"
get back to me.

if you are male.
you are on your own.

I'm on my own :razz:


good morning. I hope that you find your stay here, a very interesting one to say the least. :howdy: