New Orleans' gun seizures echo....................


Ubi bene ibi patria
"CHEYENNE, WYO. -- The worst trouble Allen Jaggi has seen in his 40 years here was a 50-below-zero blizzard that shut down the interstate for days.

Supplies ran low, but people took care of themselves and one another -- as they always do, the state representative said.

In a state that prides itself on its self-sufficiency, Jaggi can't imagine a situation that would dissolve into the chaos that characterized Hurricane Katrina.

Nor can he picture police in this gun-proud state going door to door, collecting weapons as they did in New Orleans.

House Bill 57 is "just in case."

Joining other lawmakers nationwide who say that, unlikely or not, they want to protect against such a scenario, the Republican has introduced legislation that prohibits the state from confiscating firearms from law-abiding residents during an emergency.

This year, Wyoming is one of at least five states to propose such a law; at least 21 others already have passed the legislation. It has been heavily promoted by the National Rifle Assn. in the wake of Hurricane Katrina."

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Joining other lawmakers nationwide who say that, unlikely or not, they want to protect against such a scenario, the Republican has introduced legislation that prohibits the state from confiscating firearms from law-abiding residents during an emergency.

This year, Wyoming is one of at least five states to propose such a law; at least 21 others already have passed the legislation. It has been heavily promoted by the National Rifle Assn. in the wake of Hurricane Katrina."

:lmao: never see that in MD ..... MOM wants all us subjects defenseless


New Member
If Mom had his way he would collect all the guns in Md. Every time they close a lane on the Bay Bridge.

Novus Collectus

New Member
The last time I am aware of guns were confiscated from private property in an emergency in MD was when a Republican governor ordered it could be done by the police.
There was back then and still is a current state law saying the Maryland governor can order the banning of the possession of firearms during a state emergency.

In other words, during a state emergency the police can come to your house and confiscate your firearms under Maryland law.


New Member
The last time I am aware of guns were confiscated from private property in an emergency in MD was when a Republican governor ordered it could be done by the police.
There was back then and still is a current state law saying the Maryland governor can order the banning of the possession of firearms during a state emergency.

In other words, during a state emergency the police can come to your house and confiscate your firearms under Maryland law.

I don't doubt it at all. After all this is the People's Republic of Maryland.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Nice ..... do you have a linky so I can read up on this crap .....

Article - Public Safety
§ 14-303.

(a) During a public emergency in the State, the Governor may proclaim a state of emergency and designate the emergency area:

(1) if public safety is endangered or on reasonable apprehension of immediate danger to public safety; and

(2) on:

(i) the Governor's own initiative; or

(ii) the application of:

1. the chief executive officer or governing body of a county or municipal corporation; or

2. the Secretary of State Police.

(b) After proclaiming a state of emergency, the Governor may promulgate reasonable orders, rules, or regulations that the Governor considers necessary to protect life and property or calculated effectively to control and terminate the public emergency in the emergency area, including orders, rules, or regulations to:

(1) control traffic, including public and private transportation, in the emergency area;

(2) designate specific zones in the emergency area in which the occupancy and use of buildings and vehicles may be controlled;

(3) control the movement of individuals or vehicles into, in, or from the designated zones;

(4) control places of amusement and places of assembly;

(5) control individuals on public streets;

(6) establish curfews;

(7) control the sale, transportation, and use of alcoholic beverages;

(8) control the possession, sale, carrying, and use of firearms, other dangerous weapons, and ammunition; and

(9) control the storage, use, and transportation of explosives or flammable materials or liquids considered to be dangerous to public safety, including "Molotov cocktails".

(c) Before an order, rule, or regulation promulgated under subsection (b) of this section takes effect, the Governor shall give reasonable notice of the order, rule, or regulation:

(1) in a newspaper of general circulation in the emergency area;

(2) through television or radio serving the emergency area; or

(3) by circulating notices or posting signs at conspicuous places in the emergency area.

(d) An order, rule, or regulation promulgated under subsection (b) of this section:

(1) takes effect from the time and in the manner specified in the order, rule, or regulation;

(2) may be amended or rescinded, in the same manner as the original order, by the Governor at any time during the state of emergency; and

(3) terminates when the Governor declares that the state of emergency no longer exists.

During the 1968 riots in Baltimore governor Agnew gave such an order and during the riot the Baltimore police went to a gun dealer's store and confiscated all his shotguns against his wishes.


Section 14-303 - Maryland Public Safety - Maryland Code :: Justia

During the 1968 riots in Baltimore governor Agnew gave such an order and during the riot the Baltimore police went to a gun dealer's store and confiscated all his shotguns against his wishes.

oh great ............. well I could see this happening to keep rioters from getting the guns b4 someone burned down the store ......... it would have been better to tell him to clear out the store and lock up an give him an escort out of Mobtown

nice precedent it set though ........ E'ff'n retards

thanks for the Info