New Pastors......


New Member
I was visiting a church and the pastor is fairly new, a few years into his new 'career path' .....This particular church does not require their Pastors to have training before they are 'drafted' ....It's kinda 'on the job training' and I think it's indirectly hurting a lot of people. I think they should have to have a degree and experience sitting under another Pastor so they can learn 'the ropes' .......I had to leave. They were so critical of people that were still growing in their spiritual walk and also wouldn't help members that needed the help.

It's so scary how churches are becoming just as Political as the 'world'. it's sad.


New Member
Did you attend this church regularly or did you really mean you were just "visiting" the church? Seems that you would have to attend more than just a visit or two to come up with that summary of how they do things. Just a thought...


New Member

I was visiting a church and the pastor is fairly new, a few years into his new 'career path' .....This particular church does not require their Pastors to have training before they are 'drafted' ....It's kinda 'on the job training' and I think it's indirectly hurting a lot of people. I think they should have to have a degree and experience sitting under another Pastor so they can learn 'the ropes' .......I had to leave. They were so critical of people that were still growing in their spiritual walk and also wouldn't help members that needed the help.

It's so scary how churches are becoming just as Political as the 'world'. it's sad.

I think everyone considering ministery should be disciplied by a pastor and best case scenerio have the chance to serve under one a few years.
Everyone has strenghts and weeknesses, It seems very hard to find that ideal situtation though.
A new pastor if he is doing exegesis, it will probably take him 40 hours to do a good sermon, an expirenced pastor 16 hours a week, a min of 4 hours a day.

I wasnt there, so I dont know about his being critical, but you dont lower the bar. You preach and teach and set the standard based on scripture.
You dont want your congretation acting like the rest of the world throughout the week, they are to be Holy and set apart, you should be so diffent that people notice. In the world but not of it.

It kills me to hear Christians talking saying they watch the same TV shows, attend the same movies, listen to the same music, and read the same books as there Co workers that are unsaved.(Garbabe In, Garbage Out) These are typically the same ones that dont have time to read their Bible daily.

So if thats what you meant by critical, Way to Go Pastor!
They need meat, or they will never graduate to milk, much less get off of it.

Members that need help, Spirtual help?