New Photos Emerge Of Bill Clinton Meeting With Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell Inside White House


Well-Known Member
His story has got to be the biggest cover up in history. Just because he died doesn't mean the media shouldn't be looking into what all this guy was involved with. Unless they were also tied up with him.

I'm surprised Maxwell is still alive. Still don't think they've charged her with anything.


Well-Known Member
Lots of powerful people are involved.
These powerful people do not want an investigation---------therefore there will be none.


American Beauty
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Lots of powerful people are involved.
These powerful people do not want an investigation---------therefore there will be none.

I'm just surprised of the silence about this. There has to be some investigative reporter that would look into this guy. Guess there were threats to any who tried or thought about it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm just surprised of the silence about this.

That silence might as well be a scream, that's how loud and clear it speaks.

That guy who shot up Las Vegas a few years ago - there's a lot more to that as well. How you tell is that the story drops like a bombshell, then just pffft dries up and blows away.

How you can tell Ghislaine and Jeffy were in sex trafficking cahoots with the Clintons is because the newsbots were trying to tie it to Trump. And everything - every single thing - they accused Trump of doing, the Democrats were actually doing.

Notice that every Dem operative got a job in the *biden administration....except for Hillary. They freaking made up a position to give to John Effing Kerry, but Her Shrillness? Zip. Zilch. Nada.