They sound like they may be on the right track.
Excerpts from Priciples:
And the Beliefs statement:
Now these are republican priciples and beliefs I can fully support.
Excerpts from Priciples:
# We support the United States Constitution in the tradition of the Founding Fathers as the Supreme law of the land.
# The power of the Federal Government must be strongly bound by the chains of the Constitution to allow maximum individual achievement through freedom.
# We believe that each of us should be free to achieve or fail according to our individual abilities, without the need for governmental assistance or quotas.
# Taxes should serve only to pay for the enumerated Constitutional duties of government. It is not the role of our government to penalize financial success, nor protect from financial failure. Each citizen should share equitably in financing the freedoms we enjoy.
# When truth was taught in schools, our nation prospered. As we have abandoned the teaching of absolutes to relativism, our children have lost the potential to achieve greatness. Our system of education must demand excellence rather than accommodate mediocrity.
# Private property rights are fundamental to our liberty.
# The right to keep and bear arms is fundamental to deterring government tyranny and must be preserved without governmental interference.
The first obligation of federal government is to defend its people against enemies. To protect our citizenry in an stable world, the United States must retain the strongest defense system in the world with their singular objective of victory in every conflict and a complete authentic accounting or return of every person in our armed forces captured or missing in action.
And the Beliefs statement:
That all political power and influence should flow from the grass roots upward.
That all human rights are granted by God, not government and that government exists primarily to protect the God-given rights of its citizens.
That the Constitution was written by wise men under the inspiration of God and that the original intent of the Founders is as valid and binding today as it was in their day.
That the Constitution was written to govern a moral and religious people and it is being destroyed by those who are neither.
That the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. That sacred right extends to all persons regardless of age or infirmity and also would not allow for euthanasia, assisted suicide, or public funding for any of these practices.
That the traditional family is the foundation and cornerstone of our society and we will oppose any attempt to undermine or redefine the family unit.
That the founders never intended to separate God from government but did intend to prevent government from establishing a single state religion or inhibiting the citizen's right to the free exercise of religion in any setting, public or private.
That free market capitalism is the only economic system that creates the opportunities and incentives that will allow maximum productivity and prosperity for its citizens. It is the necessary partner of political freedom.
In the necessity of national sovereignty, we also consider it crucial to return to appropriate state sovereignty under the 10th amendment.
Now these are republican priciples and beliefs I can fully support.