New to running?


New Member
Any beginner runners out there? I'm new to the running world...but can't even run a mile without walking. I'm following a run/walk plan and I'm on week 5 now...still struggling! Anyone else like me?


Registered Devil Dog
Any beginner runners out there? I'm new to the running world...but can't even run a mile without walking. I'm following a run/walk plan and I'm on week 5 now...still struggling! Anyone else like me?

I'm not exactly a beginner (more like a novice), and I have been running off and on, for a couple of years now.

First off, don't worry about not being able to run a complete mile. You just began, and there are an infinite number of reasons as to why you can't run a mile yet. One likely culprit could be your breathing technique (or lack thereof, as it were......) Improper breathing can completely spend your energy reserves.

At this early stage in your training, really focus on your breathing and posture. Your breathing should be controlled and rhythmic. Your running posture should be erect - don't slump over. Also, do some reading. Read as much about running (esp. nutrition) as possible. And invest in a quality pair of running shoes. Not the kind of generalized running shoes you would find at Dick's or Sports Authority, but at a true running store like Fleet Feet or Pacers. Pay attention to pain, and listen to your body. If something really hurts, consider some crosstraining on that day (i.e. biking or swimming). Swimming is EXCELLENT for occasional crosstraining - and it's low impact to boot. It's ok to occasionally work through a little bit of pain, but if it is really really bothering you, you should ease up. After awhile, you'll begin to get a good feel for how far you can push yourself......

Have you had a physical checkup lately? Regardless of age, I think everyone should get screened before they begin any exercise program.

Best of luck, and remember to pace yourself (pun intented).



New Member
I'm not exactly a beginner (more like a novice), and I have been running off and on, for a couple of years now.

First off, don't worry about not being able to run a complete mile. You just began, and there are an infinite number of reasons as to why you can't run a mile yet. One likely culprit could be your breathing technique (or lack thereof, as it were......) Improper breathing can completely spend your energy reserves.

At this early stage in your training, really focus on your breathing and posture. Your breathing should be controlled and rhythmic. Your running posture should be erect - don't slump over. Also, do some reading. Read as much about running (esp. nutrition) as possible. And invest in a quality pair of running shoes. Not the kind of generalized running shoes you would find at Dick's or Sports Authority, but at a true running store like Fleet Feet or Pacers. Pay attention to pain, and listen to your body. If something really hurts, consider some crosstraining on that day (i.e. biking or swimming). Swimming is EXCELLENT for occasional crosstraining - and it's low impact to boot. It's ok to occasionally work through a little bit of pain, but if it is really really bothering you, you should ease up. After awhile, you'll begin to get a good feel for how far you can push yourself......

Have you had a physical checkup lately? Regardless of age, I think everyone should get screened before they begin any exercise program.

Best of luck, and remember to pace yourself (pun intented).


Thanks so much for the reply! I've been a gym rat for the past 5 years, even worked with a personal trainer. I was taking spin classes 3 times a week, and training twice a week, and every once in a while sprinkle a little running in between, but would give anyway one would think I was fairly fit. But running definitely winds me.
I've been doing ALOT of reading and researching because I really want to do this right. Lastnight though I finally went to a specialty running store and got fitted for "proper shoes" (btw there's a running store in Lusby, new shopping center by Starbucks..the guy was really helpful and very knowledgeable. It's nice not to have to drive all the way to Annapolis)
I just joined the Chesapeake Bay running club, hoping to meet others like myself just starting out. It'd be nice to talk to others like me who want to run but are struggling. Moral support is great!


I'm sooooo glad i'm not alone! haha! (wanna take up running with me?? lol)
no u dont understand, i seriously, not joking at all can only jog for like a minute then have to walk it off, then jog for a min then walk it off lol. what area you in?


Sweet and Innocent
I just started to run everyday lately. However, it would be nice to have a running mate to run with me and be my "ears" as I can't hear cars coming.

I still can't run one full mile yet. I'm working on increasing little by little at time.


New Member
no u dont understand, i seriously, not joking at all can only jog for like a minute then have to walk it off, then jog for a min then walk it off lol. what area you in?

I do understand, i was like that 5 weeks I can run 2 mins straight!
I'm in California, MD area...Wildewood. You?


Registered Devil Dog
Thanks so much for the reply! I've been a gym rat for the past 5 years, even worked with a personal trainer. I was taking spin classes 3 times a week, and training twice a week, and every once in a while sprinkle a little running in between, but would give anyway one would think I was fairly fit. But running definitely winds me.
I've been doing ALOT of reading and researching because I really want to do this right. Lastnight though I finally went to a specialty running store and got fitted for "proper shoes" (btw there's a running store in Lusby, new shopping center by Starbucks..the guy was really helpful and very knowledgeable. It's nice not to have to drive all the way to Annapolis)
I just joined the Chesapeake Bay running club, hoping to meet others like myself just starting out. It'd be nice to talk to others like me who want to run but are struggling. Moral support is great!

You're welcome. And thank YOU, for telling me about the running store in Lusby. Didn't know there was one down here! :howdy:


Sweet and Innocent
what? I didnt get that... speak s.l.o.w.e.r.

:killingme :huggy:

Slower?!?!?!?! It will make you look like a retarded struggling to talk. :smack:

Talk normal, but CLEAR! No mumbles, talking too fast or too slow, no hands or something covering the mouth or in the mouth (hush KVJ), and always make eye contact when speaking to a deaf person.


New Member
Alright!! I'm not alone in being running-challenged :killingme

What if I just power walk for an hour every day? Will that help loose weight lol


Alright!! I'm not alone in being running-challenged :killingme

What if I just power walk for an hour every day? Will that help loose weight lol

Any form of exercise is better then none. Walking will keep you healthier then sitting on your butt. For that matter, so will reading (shocker, I know).

For those new to running, a few VERY good points have been made here so far.
First, is your breathing. Go out for a run, find a good steady pace. Remember, your not running for your life.
Second, is shoes. Take care of your feet, they are very important. With that, listen to your body. If it hurts, it hurts for a reason, relax and dont kill yourself.

One thing that has not been mentioned so far is your brain. When you run, or any exercise for that matter, your brain gets in the way. Everyone here who said they can't run for a minute straight is doing two things wrong. One, there trying to sprint for a minute, or two they give up on them selves. If you haven't run for a few months or longer, you can't walk out and expect to go knock a marathon off like it's cake.

What it comes down to, when you run, run for exercise not to have a heart attack, running should help avoid this. Fine a pace (both speed and breathing) that is comfortable for you and build from there.

If properly trained, and with the right motivation, every person on this forum board could run a marathon in time. Just believe you can.