New Virus


New Member
going around. My one year old developed a fever on Monday and daycare called saying it was 101.9. I of course rushed home from work and got him. He wasn't acting sickly. Tuesday his a.m. temp was 103. and I freaked, still he's not acting sickly, just tired. Took him to Bayshore, they said he's fine. Next day, same thing again, high temp. Thursday, broke out with small red spots all over his torso and feet. Back to the pediatrician...again. nothing ?????


Thats how them b*tch's R
The pediatrician didn't find anything? Did they test for strep? Scarlet fever maybe? Hope he gets better soon.


Having Fun!
First of all, I am not a medical professional so be sure to look at anything I say in that light. I went through something similar with all of my kids. Two possibilities leap to mind. First, it could simply be the heat, especially if the baby is not fussy. There was also this weird thing (fairly harmless) called Fifth disease, that has fever & a rash. I'd put the link in but Internet is out & I can't do it on my phone. Google it & read. As always, rely on what doc tells you and listen also to your "mommy" intuition. If your baby is not acting right, keep pushing the docs. If baby seems fine, just has the weird symptoms & doc is saying all is well, relax. Hope this helps.


New Member
Try reading this
Rashes | Ask Dr. Sears®

Did they do a strep test?

The only thing I've had any experience with is hand, foot, and mouth. You would certainly find blisters in the mouth, and he/she would probably have a sore throat
Hang in there, KD... it may seem frustrating for your babe to catch one thing after another, but he is building up a pretty good immune system that will help him stay healthier when he hits school and is bombarded with even more things.


Active Member
Hang in there, KD... it may seem frustrating for your babe to catch one thing after another, but he is building up a pretty good immune system that will help him stay healthier when he hits school and is bombarded with even more things.

Seriously! By the time our kids hit school age I'll be those immune systems will be up for running for lifetime perfect attendance :huggy: