New WH Helicoptor Program 20 Billion


PREMO Member
but Obama will not be riding in them

During a White House fiscal responsibility summit a month after President Barack Obama took office, Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain mocked the boondoggle helicopter upgrade project that was later shelved.

'Your helicopter is now going to cost as much as Air Force One,' McCain said. 'I don't think there's any more graphic demonstration of how good ideas have cost taxpayers an enormous amount of money.'

Obama replied that he had asked then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates for a 'thorough review of the helicopter situation,' and joked that he didn't see the project as very important.

'The helicopter I have seems perfectly adequate to me,' he told lawmakers in the room. 'Of course, I've never had a helicopter before. Maybe I've been deprived and I didn't know it.' [ok that is funny]

The Daily Beast reported Friday that the 23 or more new choppers based on the Sikorsky S-92 medium helicopter will be delivered, but not until 2022.

That means Obama, whose administration has green-lighted the expense, will likely never ride in the shiny new aircraft.

The aircraft will meet exacting standards, including the capability for encrypted communications and secure videoconferencing with people on the ground.

They must also have systems that can defend against missile attacks, and shielding to guard electronic components against energy waves produced by nuclear explosions.

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New Member
A quick search under "presidential helicopter contract" brings up a whole host of results. Almost discuss the contract, the aging fleet and its outmoded communications/defensive capabilities. Many mention that the search for a new helicopter began after 9-11-2001.

Of all the articles that come up, only one spins the entire process into a "program to replace his private fleet of 23 choppers". ("his" being Mr. Obama)

Of all the articles out there, only one appears to spin this into a political attack on the current President.

Most of the factual stories were written on May 7th. The political spin story in your source took till May 11th.

As usual, GRUPS, your sources suck.


PREMO Member
hey sweetie ...
you ofc have some data, that the programs is NOT going to cost 20 billion or just more 'your sources suck' comments

I didn't think so ....

Obama’s New Helicopter Fleet Could Cost $20 Billion

The U.S. government has been trying for decades—and burning through billions—to replace Marine One, the president’s helicopters. Will it finally get it right this time?
The Pentagon has awarded a contract to begin development of the most expensive helicopters ever made.

Each helicopter will probably cost at least $400 million. The entire project, to build at least 23 helicopters, has been estimated to eventually cost between $10 billion to $17 billion. By comparison, the project could pay the combined defense budgets of Finland, Norway, and Sweden for one year ($16.9 billion).

The passengers for this enormously expensive helicopter fleet? The President of the United States and his entourage.

The first president to fly regularly in helicopters was Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower faced a two-hour commute to and from his summer home in Rhode Island, a commute that could be shaved down considerably if taken by helicopter. In these early days of the Cold War the president needed to be moved around quickly—the president could not be stuck on a ferry for an hour in case the Soviet Union launched a nuclear attack.
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Ubi bene ibi patria
Marine One helicopters are well worth the cost.....


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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Marine One helicopters are well worth the cost.....

Is that why the Presidential Helo project at PAX was cut all to #### after your POS golden boy was elected?

I still hope he dies in a fire with his foot caught in a bear trap.


I bowl overhand
If The current inventory are good enough and safe enough for our soldiers to fly in, why can't they just repaint a fleet airframe and roll with it, as was the original intent. He is, after all, just a normal citizen (just like our soldiers) and NOT royalty.


Ubi bene ibi patria
"It's good to be King" So you losers can STFU.


  • President-Obama.jpg
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If The current inventory are good enough and safe enough for our soldiers to fly in, why can't they just repaint a fleet airframe and roll with it, as was the original intent. He is, after all, just a normal citizen (just like our soldiers) and NOT royalty.

This will not ever be done during his last term. Plus I agree the old ones are fine.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Is that why the Presidential Helo project at PAX was cut all to #### after your POS golden boy was elected?

I still hope he dies in a fire with his foot caught in a bear trap.
That was because the project was ran like money was going to be outlawed within the week. Never saw a project throw money around like that, that's including JSF.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
If The current inventory are good enough and safe enough for our soldiers to fly in, why can't they just repaint a fleet airframe and roll with it, as was the original intent. He is, after all, just a normal citizen (just like our soldiers) and NOT royalty.

Stick him in a V-22.


PREMO Member
If The current inventory are good enough and safe enough for our soldiers to fly in, why can't they just repaint a fleet airframe and roll with it, as was the original intent. He is, after all, just a normal citizen (just like our soldiers) and NOT royalty.

This will not ever be done during his last term. Plus I agree the old ones are fine.

did you miss this list of upgrades .....

and to cellar dweller .... your Boy will be long out off office when these come on line


Main Streeter
New WH Helicoptor Program 20 Billion
but Obama will not be riding in them

What's your point? Reagan authorized the two Boeing 747s that are used as AF1 when the president is aboard yet Reagan never road either of them.


PREMO Member
What's your point? Reagan authorized the two Boeing 747s that are used as AF1 when the president is aboard yet Reagan never road either of them.

just that - Obama is authorizing the program, be will not be riding in the new helo's - so all the whiners that could complain or gloat the king is getting an upgrade ... can STFU