

I got a horse again!! :)
Hello fellow horse lovers. My name is Carmen. I think I was born loving horses. I didn't get to ride much as a kid but did brave my grandparents half wild ponies and thoroughbreds off the track that my grandfather bought from Melvin Foster 35 or 40 years ago. As an adult when I became financially able I took my first riding lesson from Susie Weigand at Bobby Lindsleys farm in Medleys Neck in about 1985. As my knowledge increased I joined the Potomic Valley Dressage Association. I took lessons from a few instructors and attended some clinics. I competed at the PVDA shows at training level. In 2002 I separaited from my husband and could no longer afforde this very expensive hobby. It broke my heart to sell my 6 year old guelding Java who had only ever been ridden by me. It's comforting to know he now has a good home and is still doing dressage. I just bought a horse, just before Christmas. I was shopping for a trailer first but stumbeled on a trailer that also had a horse. The owner was buying a house and was selling out. She was scared of this big green horse and was willing to sell cheep to a good home. I bought the horse and trailer. He's a 5 yr old percheron/TH, light gray, 17hh. His name is Jack. I Love him.

This is my first post. I've read lots of them but haven't had anything to say till now. One of my clients asked me if there was a place where one can rent a couple horses to ride. It's a pre-teenagers birthday I think. The ladies I know wouldn't be interested. I think they'd let you sleep with their husband before they'd let you ride their horse. If you know anyone please reply.


Does my butt look big?
I remember Susie Weigand .......your friends kids can sleep with my husband but they can NOT ride my horses.. :lmao:


Active Member
Hey Carmen :howdy: It's Darryl from St. Mary's PVDA. Glad to hear you got another horse and that you decided to post about it here!


Welcome isn't it great getting a horse again!!

I love my Ashton man!!


New Member
Congrats on being back in the horse world. I left it for 30 years and now that I am back in it I don't know how I ever got along without it.



laura+flare= gone
i know melvin foster he still sells horses, my mom grew up around him, cuz she grew up with her uncle billy smith. I dont like ppl riding my horse either, but i dont worry about that cuz ppl r scared of her, which is funny 2 me. You could call Marys go aroun, she does pony parties.


New Member
Hi NEWBEE lol. I am new too, and sort of the outsider b/c i am on the eastern shore of MD. I have 1 horse a very old morgan mare named cherokee that i adopted about 3 years ago now. i don't get much time to ride her but i do visit my mom aka HAPPYAPPY and ride her horses :lmao: I have not been too into looking for a trailer until about a month or so ago, i'd love to take cherokee on more rides and judged trail rides i have never done one of those with her and i would love too. So eventually i will find a trailer that wont break the bank lol.


Branch out ! Lotsa' fun stuff on the other threads !!!!! Don't isolate yourself !
Welcome Carmen !:howdy:

None of the "Pony People" hit ya' up with green yet !
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abbey normal
flarenuphope said:
i know melvin foster he still sells horses, my mom grew up around him, cuz she grew up with her uncle billy smith. I dont like ppl riding my horse either, but i dont worry about that cuz ppl r scared of her, which is funny 2 me. You could call Marys go aroun, she does pony parties.

Hey you joined up on here, cool, welcome to you too!!! We have to get the rest of the group on here too!


I am trying to get more horsey people I know on here also.

I am more active today because day 2 of fighting the flu.


New Member
:howdy: Welcome aboard. I don't post much myself, just read stuff. I'm not riding at the moment, enjoying watching my little baby grow up during her first year of life. This spring I might get back into breaking and working with the young horses.

I'm not a huge dressage fan, I did it because in eventing you have to to get to the fun stuff.
