News Flash: County Government Goes into Strip Club Business


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bay_Kat said:
LEONARDTOWN (May, 2 2007) The infamous Roses Place, entertainment extraordinaire for 1000s of area revelers, has been sold to St. Mary’s County Government.
More sensationalist headlines from the county rag.

Property was purchased to knock it down to build a road.

Not quite the same.
2ndAmendment said:
More sensationalist headlines from the county rag.

Property was purchased to knock it down to build a road.

Not quite the same.
Headlines get the attention, but the facts are there.
Long rumored and reported in these pages to be a pending action, the purchase of the strip bar and night club will allow the completion of FDR blvd from Millison Plaza across Great Mills Road to the New Lexington Park Library.

The action opens up a new part of the proposed master plan for redevelopment for Lexington Park. This plan has long been on the drawing board, and aside from the construction of the new Lexington Park Post Office, the area has not seen any significant developments.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
desertrat said:
Headlines get the attention, but the facts are there.
Yeah, but the headline, "News Flash: County Government Goes into Strip Club Business," has nothing to do with the facts.


2ndAmendment said:
Yeah, but the headline, "News Flash: County Government Goes into Strip Club Business," has nothing to do with the facts.

That's why I posted it. Their Ace reporting team is doing such a great job reporting the news, just wanted to see what everyone else thought.


Noticed in todays paper that Mr. Rossignol's storage unit will be up for sale if he dosen't pay on Sat. at Potomac Self Storage. What's up with all the money he received from the county law suit?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The paper's web site was down. The domain was unpaid. I almost bought it. It was still in the grace period; not active but not available yet. I was waiting.


Asperger's Poster Child
ServiceGuy said:
Is there going to be a "Going out of Business Bash/Sale?" :elaine:

I've never been there. I've always imagined the place to be The Land That Time Forgot. It would be funny to see 70-year-old strippers in tattered outfits chaining themselves to the building in protest.

2ndAmendment said:
The paper's web site was down. The domain was unpaid. I almost bought it. It was still in the grace period; not active but not available yet. I was waiting.

I was hoping that the paper was about to go out of business for good.