News from Charles County Public Schools


Staff member
Students must have up-to-date immunizations

Classes might be starting out as virtual this year, but state law still requires students to have minimum immunization levels to attend school. Vaccine requirements vary depending on the age and grade of a student, and include DPT, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis B, Hib, Prevnar, Tdap and meningococcal. To see a chart of required vaccines, click here.

Students can attend school without completed immunizations, but parents have to show proof of a doctor’s or clinic appointment within 20 calendar days from the first day of school, Aug. 31 — meaning the appointment must be on or before Sept. 19. Students can receive all required vaccines at their doctor’s office. If a child does not have a primary care doctor, other healthcare providers include:

Charles County Department of Health, 301-609-6900, Ext. 6018,

Baden Clinic, 301-888-3323, and

Urgent Care Centers such as Patient First, CVS Minute Clinic, MedStar Prompt Care or Righttime Medical Care.

Students entering Grade 7 must have record of both a Tdap and meningococcal vaccine on file with the school system. School nurses from CCPS middle schools will notify families of students missing those vaccines to request records or inquire about a vaccine appointment.


Staff member
Parents can request an opt out for their child for virtual instruction

Parents of Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students can request to opt their child out of virtual instruction. Parents must complete the application linked below. The application closes at midnight on Friday, Sept. 4.

Click here to complete the application. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Parents cannot request a mix of online learning and recorded instruction.

School principals will receive a list of students approved for recorded instruction. Teachers will record lessons and share with students in individual StudentVue accounts. Recorded lessons are shared by teachers under the Class Website section of StudentVue.

Students will have 72 hours to watch a recorded lesson. Parents and students are not able to download recorded lessons. Students are counted as present and provided credit for participation.

Teachers will notify school administrators if a student approved for recorded instruction is not completing required assignments. Work submission expectations are the same for students completing recorded submissions. Students are responsible for submitting all assignments on time. Parents will be contacted by school administrators for a support meeting if their child is not completing and submitting assignments on time.