Newspeak highlights from Bush's address


New Member
It's always a pleasure to watch the spinmeisters at work. Word to the monitors: public speeches are not copyrighted.

"He and other terrorists know that Iraq is now the central front in the war on terror, and we must understand that as well."

Afghanistan is coming along swimmingly, by the way, and North Korea should throw open their doors to inspectors at any minute now.

"The swift removal of Saddam Hussein's regime last spring had an unintended affect. Instead of being killed or captured on the battlefield, some of Saddam's elite guards shed their uniforms and melted into the civilian population."

After the CIA gave them gobs of cash. Oh yeah, and then there was that whole "not enough troops to stop the looting" thing.

"There are difficult days ahead, and the way forward may sometimes appear chaotic."

But it's all part of the plan...honest. OK, there are five more pages of this drek. I've lost interest...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What I heard...

"Hoo ah! Boy howdy!!! We done killed us a peck 'o boys 'n girls in E-rack this week, boy! Little bastards are startin' tah run faster and sooner. Just gotta lead 'em a bit more! Hoo wee."

"Work on the secret pipeline tah' Dicks house is going GREAT! Course, hee, hee, I can't tell 'tell where that is, exactly. Hee hee, wink, wink."

"That sarin bomb my good pals over t' tha CIA planted last week is working just fine. Who cares iffin it's only one? How many they want t'ah git off mah back? We got a million of 'em!"

"Me and Condi got us a joke 'bout that. WMD. White Man Daddy. Hee hee. Hey, who's got a beer? Helen? HA!!! Just kiddin yah, you one eyebrowed cow pokes nightmare!!!"

"Where's Ken, Kenny boy? We're fixin tah get ol' Ken some more tax breaks and bring back Enron bigger'n ever. Hoo wee. Get that boy a beer. We call the plan...FU. Fix Enron. Yep...Huh...what's that...oh, oh, yeah. Sorry. Got ma E's and U's mixed up. E's and U's. Hey! Ah made me a funny! E's and U's, P's and Q's! Get it! Hee haw! Get me a beer!!!....JUST KIDDING!!!"

"I wanna talk about mah presumptive, how you like that, pre-sump-tive, opponent, Sen. John Kerry. Don't that boy pay attention tah anything? Hey Lurch, can you say SOO-PREME COURT??? I knew that you could. Give it up, son. Hee haw, boy howdy...get that boy a beer and tell him I'll bike race his ass for all the marbles..."