Newsview: Bush Could Lose Rove Over Probe



Is there anything more All-American these days than selective reporting? This article is loaded with it. First, it states that the revealing of a covert agent's name is against the law, but doesn't bother to state all of the conditions that the agent and revealing have to meet, which in this case they meet none of them. The prosecuter may indict Rove but there's a zero percent chance of conviction.

The author also states that Bush initially said that he would dispose of any staffer involved in the leak, but then backtracked and said that he would only dispose of someone convicted of a crime. Bush was asked about this by the media about a gazillion times, and there are numerous instances where he used the terms interchangeably - sometimes during the same statement. There was no backtracking, just burnout from saying the same damn thing over, and over, and over again.

Besides, what does Bush care if Rove is indicted? He's not running for office anymore, so why should he care how fired up the Left and the media gets? Are there any Republicans out there, or even moderates, that give a crap about this? I don't hear anyone but Liberals, expecially Chris Mathews, getting worked up over this.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Notice how everything is focusing on Rove and whoever else, and nobody wants to talk about Valerie Plame's motives in sending her husband, a known anti-Bush Democrat hack, to Iraq to "investigate" the yellowcake/Niger connection?

I think she should have to answer a few questions instead of playing victim with the vapors.


There's also no mention that the Wilson Report, along with the details of its development by Wilson, were debunked by the bipartisian Senate committee.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
But if he loses Rove, who will be president?
Darth Cheney, of course.

I wish Democrats would make up their minds as to who is the real President. Is it Rove or is it Cheney?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If Valerie Plame sent her husband to Iraq to do a cover-up to hurt the Bush Administration, and I'm not saying she did, wouldn't that be funny as hell? Here the news dudes are salivating about Novak outing some traitor.


Of course it wouldn't surprise me if they failed to see the humor in this. Vive El Che.


Pete said:
Andrew Card silly geena Davis or even Martin sheen

Andrew Card - B Team
Silly - me or Geena Davis?
Martin Sheen (I loooove Martin Sheen)
Jimmy Smits (mmmmmmm!) (Are you following West Wing anymore?)


vraiblonde said:
Darth Cheney, of course.

I wish Democrats would make up their minds as to who is the real President. Is it Rove or is it Cheney?

At least we're certain it's not Incurious George.