Newsweek Needs to Learn About Change & Replace




Palace Revolt
They were loyal conservatives, and Bush appointees. They fought a quiet battle to rein in the president's power in the war on terror. And they paid a price for it. A NEWSWEEK investigation.

This is supposed to be an investigation into abuses of White House lawyers by Dick Cheney and others, but I guess Newsweek hasn't discovered the change and replace feature of Word. They refer to Cheney as Vice-President throughout the article except for one part they missed on page 2 that reads:

" When Cheney became vice president to Bush 43, he brought Addington into the White House as his lawyer. Counsel to the vice president is, in most administrations, worth less than the proverbial bucket of warm spit, but under Prime Minister Cheney, it became a vital power center, especially after 9/11."

Hmmm... Prime Minister Cheney... yep, this article was written by a fair and balanced writer.