Next to Early Bird?


Where are my pants?
Does anyone know what that is they're putting in right next to the Early Bird in Hollywood?

It looks like it might be a Rita's or DQ...Either could prove detrimental to my postpartum diet plan.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Club'nBabySeals said:
Does anyone know what that is they're putting in right next to the Early Bird in Hollywood?

It looks like it might be a Rita's or DQ...Either could prove detrimental to my postpartum diet plan.
I was wondering the same thing. Some kind of fast food kind of thing. Where is Oz when we need him?


New Member
julz20684 said:
I heard it's a Sonic.
Trust me... it's not a Sonic. When I mentioned hearing a rumor about a Sonic in another thread here (I believe it was the Chipotles thread), I was told very firmly that there would NO Sonic in Maryland anytime soon.

That's the first thing I thought of when I saw it was Rita's. :shrug:


Thats how them b*tch's R
My boss said something about that today. He said it was supposed to be an ice cream place but not DQ (darn!!!) A co-worker thought she read it in the newspaper. What is Brewsters? He thought that place started with a "B". Any word on what's going behind Michaels?
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All Up In Your Grill
Arista said:
Trust me... it's not a Sonic. When I mentioned hearing a rumor about a Sonic in another thread here (I believe it was the Chipotles thread), I was told very firmly that there would NO Sonic in Maryland anytime soon.

That's the first thing I thought of when I saw it was Rita's. :shrug:

According to Rita's website, the only one "coming soon" to this area is in Dunkirk.


Arista said:
Trust me... it's not a Sonic. When I mentioned hearing a rumor about a Sonic in another thread here (I believe it was the Chipotles thread), I was told very firmly that there would NO Sonic in Maryland anytime soon.

That's the first thing I thought of when I saw it was Rita's. :shrug:

I was j/'s a new theatre.


Well-Known Member
Elle said:
There's been a sign out there for over a year saying Brewsters

Yep, the sign was in front of the old house that used to sit there.
I assumed they were going to renovate the old house, but they tore it down and put in an insta-building. :ohwell:

I hope they have good hand-dipped ice-cream. :yum:


Thats how them b*tch's R
kwillia said:
Otter said it was a go-cart track.

Ummm, unless it's indoors, I can't see it, lol. I think there's 3 buildings back there though. I want to say looks like restaurant or something like it.