NFL and 18 games...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just think how cheap Redskin tickets will be online if the 5-8 Redskins had 5 more games to wade through?

Anyone actually think the Skins would have a shot at winning 5 straight and going 10-8 and the playoffs?

Do we really wanna look forward to 11-2 teams falling apart because they lose their qb against the last place team in game 17?

How do the Bills, Bengals, Broncos, Lions and Panthers sell tickets and advertising for five more?

For every 5-6 win team that will certainly make the playoffs, there will be better teams, 7-8 win teams, falling apart simply due to attrition.

I think 18 games will signal the begining of the decline of the NFL.

Just think how cheap Redskin tickets will be online if the 5-8 Redskins had 5 more games to wade through?

Anyone actually think the Skins would have a shot at winning 5 straight and going 10-8 and the playoffs?

Do we really wanna look forward to 11-2 teams falling apart because they lose their qb against the last place team in game 17?

How do the Bills, Bengals, Broncos, Lions and Panthers sell tickets and advertising for five more?

For every 5-6 win team that will certainly make the playoffs, there will be better teams, 7-8 win teams, falling apart simply due to attrition.

I think 18 games will signal the begining of the decline of the NFL.



Larry Gude

Strung Out

Great example. At 6-6 before this past weekend, they started on a 4 game playoff run where every game was critical and, to me, that produces interest. Now, at 7-6, three more huge games. If they had 5 more left now, they'd have at least two more games to sleep walk through before they get serious.



Just think how cheap Redskin tickets will be online if the 5-8 Redskins had 5 more games to wade through?

Anyone actually think the Skins would have a shot at winning 5 straight and going 10-8 and the playoffs?

Do we really wanna look forward to 11-2 teams falling apart because they lose their qb against the last place team in game 17?

How do the Bills, Bengals, Broncos, Lions and Panthers sell tickets and advertising for five more?

For every 5-6 win team that will certainly make the playoffs, there will be better teams, 7-8 win teams, falling apart simply due to attrition.

I think 18 games will signal the begining of the decline of the NFL.


Personally, I would like it. I live with an Eagles fan who generally always has more games (because of post season)... then me watching my Redskins. Year after year it seems like my season (the Redskins) ends way too early. :lol: Give me more games!! :tantrum: :lol:


Football addict
Just think how cheap Redskin tickets will be online if the 5-8 Redskins had 5 more games to wade through?

Anyone actually think the Skins would have a shot at winning 5 straight and going 10-8 and the playoffs?

Do we really wanna look forward to 11-2 teams falling apart because they lose their qb against the last place team in game 17?

How do the Bills, Bengals, Broncos, Lions and Panthers sell tickets and advertising for five more?

For every 5-6 win team that will certainly make the playoffs, there will be better teams, 7-8 win teams, falling apart simply due to attrition.

I think 18 games will signal the begining of the decline of the NFL.


I think it'll do the opposite.

With two more games it offers teams more of a chance to make the playoffs. You still have to win to get in, however, you're not mathematically eliminated as easily.

Football will expand. Rosters will expand. More big names will come to fruition. Depth will matter more and I think that makes the game a lot more interesting.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think it'll do the opposite.

With two more games it offers teams more of a chance to make the playoffs. You still have to win to get in, however, you're not mathematically eliminated as easily.

Football will expand. Rosters will expand. More big names will come to fruition. Depth will matter more and I think that makes the game a lot more interesting.

Horse feathers.

Why are they going to 18? More money. They're not about to give it all back by adding a commensurate number of players. If 53 is the 'right' number, are they going to add at least 6-7 players? It's a little more than 10% more games so, at minimum, they ought to add that many, right?

Even if they do, think about it. 32 teams times 7 more players is 324 players. Where are those 300 NFL caliber players now? We actually gonna pretend that the game will be better when those guys finally get their chance?

Brett Favre has played 20 seasons. He played 297 straight regular season games. Are we going to say he would have played in 40 more? Or, more likely, 3 seasons less? Or, much more likely, way less seasons AND games?

It is not linear. 12 games is easier on the body than 14. 14 easier than 16. At each point, luck and individual limits come into play. Less and less people are going to survive in good shape. Some things, more is better, like money. Some things, more is simply dilution.

People that can't afford 16 games gonna be able to afford 18 for season tickets? They are talking about cutting two preseason games and I am fine with that but, not at the human toll of adding two more real games. What's gonna happen is, for many teams, more than now, the games at the end of the season will be their preseason games.

It's just bad.



Football addict
Horse feathers.

Why are they going to 18? More money. They're not about to give it all back by adding a commensurate number of players. If 53 is the 'right' number, are they going to add at least 6-7 players? It's a little more than 10% more games so, at minimum, they ought to add that many, right?

Even if they do, think about it. 32 teams times 7 more players is 324 players. Where are those 300 NFL caliber players now? We actually gonna pretend that the game will be better when those guys finally get their chance?

Brett Favre has played 20 seasons. He played 297 straight regular season games. Are we going to say he would have played in 40 more? Or, more likely, 3 seasons less? Or, much more likely, way less seasons AND games?

It is not linear. 12 games is easier on the body than 14. 14 easier than 16. At each point, luck and individual limits come into play. Less and less people are going to survive in good shape. Some things, more is better, like money. Some things, more is simply dilution.

People that can't afford 16 games gonna be able to afford 18 for season tickets? They are talking about cutting two preseason games and I am fine with that but, not at the human toll of adding two more real games. What's gonna happen is, for many teams, more than now, the games at the end of the season will be their preseason games.

It's just bad.


The last few games will be divisional games, as they are this year.

We actually gonna pretend that the game will be better when those guys finally get their chance?

Can't pretend or do anything. You really don't know what will actually come of this. Could give other young men a chance to shine whom you never would've seen or heard of.

I'm not certain on the number of players they're adding to the roster. Hell, they're working on the final details now.

18 games is a given. The owners have said as much. Might as well get used to it now.


New Member
With 18 games, it puts more of a highlite on team management. How do you play the guys you have, and keep them fresh and unhurt for the critical games? Set up an "A" team, a "B" team, and the rest like we see in other sports?

So the Eagles would then only bring their "B" team to play the Redskins, and non-divisional games?

It could work. I'm with Larry though, I don't see these guys making it to the finals with out increased inujury. Certainly, careers will be shorter as these guys play even more through some of their injuries. Puts a huge weight on the management of the team and adds even more, an element of luck. Not sure if I'd be as interested in watching a multi-million dollar team trying to be lucky enough to get into the finals.

Do you play your "B" team, through the first half of the season, and then turn on the heat and hope to gain a playoff spot? Can you go 0-7, 0-8, then try to win 8-10 games for a playoff spot hoping to play teams that are more beat up than yours? For sure, it'll happen as Larry mentioned.

Not sure the Superbowl will be as super if all we will be watching, is what's left of rest, instead of the absolute best.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
With 18 games, it puts more of a highlite on team management. How do you play the guys you have, and keep them fresh and unhurt for the critical games? Set up an "A" team, a "B" team, and the rest like we see in other sports?

So the Eagles would then only bring their "B" team to play the Redskins, and non-divisional games?

It could work. I'm with Larry though, I don't see these guys making it to the finals with out increased inujury. Certainly, careers will be shorter as these guys play even more through some of their injuries. Puts a huge weight on the management of the team and adds even more, an element of luck. Not sure if I'd be as interested in watching a multi-million dollar team trying to be lucky enough to get into the finals.

Do you play your "B" team, through the first half of the season, and then turn on the heat and hope to gain a playoff spot? Can you go 0-7, 0-8, then try to win 8-10 games for a playoff spot hoping to play teams that are more beat up than yours? For sure, it'll happen as Larry mentioned.

Not sure the Superbowl will be as super if all we will be watching, is what's left of rest, instead of the absolute best.

You bring up just the beginning of how complex this will become.

The more I think about it, the worse it gets. In addition to more meaningless late season games, it will make the beginning and middle of the season about as exciting as opening day in the NBA and about as compelling as July baseball. What next for the triple crown? Add more teams to the playoffs so it can be more like hockey? Super Bowl on Easter Sunday?

Right now, 32 teams and their fans are excited week one and that doesn't go away for the first half of the season except for a handful of truly dreadful teams. Then, the next four weeks matter for pretty much everyone because if you can throw a streak together, you can get in the mix or stay there or even start to tumble with the point being the interest and excitement is still there. Then, the home stretch of four games where, what, well over half the league is still on contention.

Add two games and the beginning and the middle matter much less and at the end, instead of the season coming into focus where 6-8 teams rise to the top, there will still be over half the league in contention with mediocre teams galore threatening the better teams a la NHL.

Color me bleh.

And I can't wait to see those 300 some odd future hall of famers when they leave that broker job or truck driving behind to come share their mad skills with us all.

More not better.


This. ------------------>
Just think how cheap Redskin tickets will be online if the 5-8 Redskins had 5 more games to wade through?

Anyone actually think the Skins would have a shot at winning 5 straight and going 10-8 and the playoffs?

Do we really wanna look forward to 11-2 teams falling apart because they lose their qb against the last place team in game 17?

How do the Bills, Bengals, Broncos, Lions and Panthers sell tickets and advertising for five more?

For every 5-6 win team that will certainly make the playoffs, there will be better teams, 7-8 win teams, falling apart simply due to attrition.

I think 18 games will signal the begining of the decline of the NFL.


I don't know about the decline of the NFL, but I agree going to 18 games is a bad idea. Goodell keeps saying "it's what the fans want", but I don't know anyone who's been saying they wish there were more games.

What the fans HAVE been saying is they don't like being forced to pay full price for preseason games. Of course, addressing that issue directly is out of the question. :rolleyes:

I think adding 2 more games dilutes the product. 16 games is perfect.


I haven't heard many players say they liked it.....I have heard them say that if they are so concerned for player safety why are they extending the season.....

If the players don't like it, and I can't really see a point to it, then I'm against it....they already play enough games.....


Supper's Ready
I haven't heard many players say they liked it.....I have heard them say that if they are so concerned for player safety why are they extending the season.....

If the players don't like it, and I can't really see a point to it, then I'm against it....they already play enough games.....

:yeahthat: Just seems a little contradictory on the league's part, especially in the recent emphasis on player safety. And of course!'s ALL about $$$, why else would they want this (I don't think it's fans)? As a fan, I think 16 games is plenty. I even think they should cut two of the pre-season games.


If the NHL can play 82 games in a season the NFL should be able handle 18 games. And do away with the by week.