NFL Preview...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The NFL seems to be entering into a season of predictability?

AFC South; All about the Texans. Colts are on the way out, Titans in transition, Jags, also ran.

AFC West; Return of the Bolts. Maybe the Chiefs can get somewhere? Raiders and Broncos, what's to like?

AFC North; It's all about the Steelers and Ravens. Browns and Bengals, bleh.

AFC East; Pats and Jets. Miami and Buffalo are there because someone has to be.

The whole season is about home field, not who is getting in. I see no surprises here. Texans, Chargers, Ravens, Jets with the Pats and Steelers as WC.

NFC South; Should be fun with the Bucs and Saints and Falcons. Panther meat is on everyones menu.

West; Rams in a mediocre division. Seahawks used their magic horseshoe last season, 49'ers stink and I think the Cardinals run is over.

North; Fun division with the Lions potentially reaching 8-8, Bears are solid and the Vikes wrote themselves off with McNabb. It's all about the Packers.

East; Eagles. Maybe the Cowboys if the defense is actually solid. Giants still have Manning. Full objectivity has reached me concerning the Snydermen; 8-8 would be a really good season. If we actually have a zone blocking running game, we don't have the passing game to force defenses to fear both. It will all be about the D which will come unraveled if Fletcher goes down.

Rams, Packers, Eagles and pick 'em between the Saints, Falcons and Bucs and Cowboys.

This is where the regular season action is; a week by week war in the South, can the Packers handle the Bears and Lions and Vikes bringing all they have 6 times and can the Cowboys find a way in amidst the carnage as someone in the South is too beat up to hang in there to the finish line.
