NFL Referees try HARD to give it to Colts


New Member
Is it just me, or did the zebras today try their hardest to give the Colts the game today?

I counted no less then FOUR accounts of blatant incorrect calls that went in favor of the Colts.

#1: The no call of pass interference in the first half when Ben took it deep.

#2: The sack that was a safety, but called dead on the one foot line.

#3: The encroachment call that no one wanted to call.

Then the worst call I have ever seen in my life, the no interception by Troy. Troy never had possession because his knee never came off the grass after making the grab.... WTF???

I think the football gods had to finally object to the zebra's inept calls and force that kick wide right just to make things right. That group of zebras needs to go back to refereeing SMYO games.


Football addict
Cletus_Vandam said:
Call it what you will, but they certainly tried hard to have the Colts play again next week.

Don't you agree?
I have to disagree with most of what you said except for the interception. It certainly looked like one to me, a fine lawyerly BS cop-out answer the ref had.

For the safety, it was where Payton was hit not where he landed. He was hit at the 1.

For the encroachment, I can understand why the ref's didn't call jack. If you would have replayed it you would have seen Pittsburg's guy flinch. The ref's didn't see that, the Colts did, the ref's should have penalized Pittsburg but did nothing.


I thought the only really bogus call was the non-interception one. Manning was barely in the green, but in the green, when he got tackled. The encroachment call looked valid to me as well. But the interception call... that was as bogus as you can get.


Well-Known Member
BuddyLee said:
I have to disagree with most of what you said except for the interception. It certainly looked like one to me, a fine lawyerly BS cop-out answer the ref had.

For the safety, it was where Payton was hit not where he landed. He was hit at the 1.

For the encroachment, I can understand why the ref's didn't call jack. If you would have replayed it you would have seen Pittsburg's guy flinch. The ref's didn't see that, the Colts did, the ref's should have penalized Pittsburg but did nothing.

Fine answer BL. I had problems with several official rulings during this round:

Asante Samuels is STILL not guilty of interference!!

Champ Bailey fumbled that ball through the end zone!!

The Head Linseman NOT throwing a flag on SOMEBODY(anybody!) and the referee's subsequent explanation that there was no penalty because Pitt's line did not move and the Colts' D-linemen didn't touch anybody when they jumped across.

But the single most egregious example has to be Polamalu's interception.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a time limit as to how long the officials can review a play? If so, it certainly can't be as long as they took. Sometime after the network went to commercial, the ref looked under the hood. He was still there when they came back live. He then spent at least two more minutes under the hood talking on the headset. I am NOT a Steeler's fan by any stretch of the imagination. But they got hosed!!! They MUST have had someone thumbing furiously through the rule book muttering: "There HAS to be a way we can get this ball back to the Colts; there just has to be!! Wait! Wait! I found it! Tell them this...." And you saw the result.

It is things like this that reinforce my opinion that they should either do away with replay or leave it up to the guys in the announcer's booth.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sorry folks...

...the refs made the right call on Troy's play. I'm not even trying to spell Pau ul...Palam....Troys last name.

His knee was still on the ground when he lost it and, technical as it is, if his knee is down, he's down. It's just like the non-TD against us vs. TB.

The Colts travails against New England in high visibility games (the championships games) have brought about these VERY specific rules to help the refs be consistent.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...the refs made the right call on Troy's play. I'm not even trying to spell Pau ul...Palam....Troys last name.

His knee was still on the ground when he lost it and, technical as it is, if his knee is down, he's down. It's just like the non-TD against us vs. TB.

The Colts travails against New England in high visibility games (the championships games) have brought about these VERY specific rules to help the refs be consistent.

Very true! But there is a time limit on how long they can spend in a review.
If they can not make a determination within the allowed time, they have to go as it was called. So the ref should have gotten his know-nothing keister back on the field and said: "Sorry, Indy, but Peyton has blown it again!".

Larry Gude

Strung Out

donbarzini said:
Very true! But there is a time limit on how long they can spend in a review.
If they can not make a determination within the allowed time, they have to go as it was called. So the ref should have gotten his know-nothing keister back on the field and said: "Sorry, Indy, but Peyton has blown it again!".

...on the time spent but here's the thing; Instant replay is intended to 'get it right' not 'right now' so I can live with a delay more than I can by them saying '90 seconds is up...go with the call on the field."


Well-Known Member
I'm Sorry.....

for ranting, but I am not in favor of replay and never have been. The human race survived all those years before the technology. It is ONLY a game folks.
For a city/region and its inhabitants to equate their self-worth with the success/failure of their sports teams gets kind of scary sometimes. It kind of reminds me of the first version of the movie "Rollerball" where the world was divided up into sections based on their role(manufacturing, technology etc...).
I was a teenager when that came out and I thought "This would NEVER happen.". But how far away from that are we, really?


BuddyLee said:
For the encroachment, I can understand why the ref's didn't call jack. If you would have replayed it you would have seen Pittsburg's guy flinch. The ref's didn't see that, the Colts did, the ref's should have penalized Pittsburg but did nothing.

Oh so now the other team can call penalities? If they didn't see it then the thing they HAD to see was the Colts. I think Cower should have had Pittsburg's defense stand up and point while the Colts were on one of their marches down the field to put them out of sync. Why not the Colts got away with it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How dare you...

donbarzini said:
for ranting, but I am not in favor of replay and never have been. The human race survived all those years before the technology. It is ONLY a game folks.
For a city/region and its inhabitants to equate their self-worth with the success/failure of their sports teams gets kind of scary sometimes. It kind of reminds me of the first version of the movie "Rollerball" where the world was divided up into sections based on their role(manufacturing, technology etc...).
I was a teenager when that came out and I thought "This would NEVER happen.". But how far away from that are we, really? SORRY for ranting! That's the whole point!

The fact is, when you have 70,000 screaming drunks facing a call on the field that will cost their heros a playoff game and the refs blow the call AND it's all on the big screen, well, it is what it is; MANY people wrap up a huge amount in their sports team, right or wrong.

The ONLY way to get rid of replay is to NOT show replay live or on TV.

I say keep prefecting it.


Football addict
ACESRT04 said:
Oh so now the other team can call penalities? If they didn't see it then the thing they HAD to see was the Colts. I think Cower should have had Pittsburg's defense stand up and point while the Colts were on one of their marches down the field to put them out of sync. Why not the Colts got away with it.
The Steelers walked off without a penalty when there clearly should have been. If I were them I'd kept my mouth shut.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
The Steelers walked off without a penalty when there clearly should have been. If I were them I'd kept my mouth shut.

But you don't! That's why Kerad don't like you!... :lmao:

Thanks for the green BL!


New Member
Only at the RCA Dome!!!

Larry Gude said:
...the refs made the right call on Troy's play. I'm not even trying to spell Pau ul...Palam....Troys last name.

His knee was still on the ground when he lost it and, technical as it is, if his knee is down, he's down. It's just like the non-TD against us vs. TB.

The Colts travails against New England in high visibility games (the championships games) have brought about these VERY specific rules to help the refs be consistent.

So let's look at the rule as both you and the ref's tried to explain.

Say that a defensive player intercepts the ball and lands on the ground. According to what has been said thus far, the ball is dead, not a catch, not an interception until he tries to get up with it, or is touched by the other team... So you catch a pass from the qb, lie on the ground for an extended period, let's say three seconds or one minute [time should not be a factor according to what I have heard thus far] and as you start to get up, you drop the ball. This equals an incomplete pass???? I guess only at the RCA Dome.


New Member
Bruzilla said:
I thought the only really bogus call was the non-interception one. Manning was barely in the green, but in the green, when he got tackled. The encroachment call looked valid to me as well. But the interception call... that was as bogus as you can get.

I was looking at where the ball was when contact with the d was made. It looked to me like the ball was touching the goal line, similar to the rule if you were going the other way for a TD.

It shouldn't matter where his feet were or where "he" was at, it should be the ball....


Well-Known Member
NEW YORK (AP) -- The NFL said the referee made a mistake: Troy Polamalu caught the ball.

The league acknowledged Monday that referee Pete Morelli erred when he overturned on replay Polamalu's interception of a Peyton Manning pass Sunday in the playoff game between Pittsburgh and Indianapolis.

Mike Pereira, the league's vice president of officiating, said in a statement that Morelli should have let the call on the field stand.

"He maintained possession long enough to establish a catch," Pereira said. "Therefore, the replay review should have upheld the call on the field that it was a catch and fumble."


I think the rule is the same for a completed pass - you must have control of the ball and make a "football" move. In this case Troy (I'm weaseling on the last name also) caught the ball and had control of it. He rolled over and got up, which constitutes a football move. He dropped the ball AFTER displaying that he had control of the ball, which makes the play an interception with a subsequent fumble, which Troy recovered himself. If he had knocked the ball out with his knew before demonstrating that he had control of it, it would have been an incomplete pass.