NFL; under 2 minutes...

College under two minute rules?

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  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I would be all in favor of going to the college rule of stopping the clock on a made first down until the ball is set.

I think it would make the game better.

All in favor?


Well-Known Member
I would be all in favor of going to the college rule of stopping the clock on a made first down until the ball is set.

I think it would make the game better.

All in favor?

Could you make a poll for NFL taking on the College rule of no excessive celebration in the end zone?


I vote no because I feel that the ability to run a 2 minute offense is what seperates a great NFL QB from an average NFL QB. Manning, Big Ben, etc these QBs have made a name driving down the field while managing the clock in a hurry up offense. If they are able to do this without the benefit of extra clock stoppage, then I see no reason why they should have the help. I think it lessens the excitement and difficulty of a clutch series and a clutch quarterback.


Did anyone see the Dolphins center last night use the head bob to draw the Colts offsides? I can see letting him off once but 3 times?


I vote no because I feel that the ability to run a 2 minute offense is what seperates a great NFL QB from an average NFL QB. Manning, Big Ben, etc these QBs have made a name driving down the field while managing the clock in a hurry up offense. If they are able to do this without the benefit of extra clock stoppage, then I see no reason why they should have the help. I think it lessens the excitement and difficulty of a clutch series and a clutch quarterback.

:yeahthat: Well said. And last nights game was a perfect example of it.

Not to mention Big Ben is the man!!:killingme


I'm all for it as long as they bring the jump ball back instead of that stupid change of possesssion arrow.


Football addict
No way no how for me. The offense already has most of the rules geared towards helping them. Now you want to give them more time and more plays?

No. Hell no.

This is the NFL. You get it in the alotted time or you go home. You don't get to cry. There are no pansy second chances.


Nothing to see here
No way no how for me. The offense already has most of the rules geared towards helping them. Now you want to give them more time and more plays?

No. Hell no.

This is the NFL. You get it in the alotted time or you go home. You don't get to cry. There are no pansy second chances.



I'm all for it as long as they bring the jump ball back instead of that stupid change of possesssion arrow.

WE AGREE! What're know. We agree. So how's 'bout some free tickets to the next home game. :buddies:

Why did they do away with the jump ball?
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