NFL's new conduct policy


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Because not all players realized the beating your spouse, baby mamma or children was wrong. I say if you really want to impact the culture, make it a "1 and done" policy. First offense draws a lifetime ban. Heck Pete Rose didn't physically hurt anyone and he's been an outcast for decades.

The new measures include a more extensive list of prohibited conduct; independent investigative procedures; and a "baseline suspension of six games without pay for violations involving assault, battery, domestic violence, dating violence, child abuse, other forms of family violence, or sexual assault, with consideration given to possible mitigating or aggravating circumstances,"



New Member
So, the NFL has poured millions into this new image campaign for domestic violence and the only thing they could muster is changing the policy from a 2 game to a 6 game suspension?!


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because not all players realized the beating your spouse, baby mamma or children was wrong. I say if you really want to impact the culture, make it a "1 and done" policy. First offense draws a lifetime ban. Heck Pete Rose didn't physically hurt anyone and he's been an outcast for decades.

Ah, yes BUT, Pete broke a WRITTEN, well known rule.

Football is a very different thing. Baseball, long careers are nothing noteworthy. Guys play 10, 15 even 20 years all the time. Football is about 4 on average. Ray Rice's ban is going to amount to life and he's going to sue the #### out of the NFL and win. Peterson is another case. Like Vick, he's so good and still has miles left in him.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, the NFL has poured millions into this new image campaign for domestic violence and the only thing they could muster is changing the policy from a 2 game to a 6 game suspension?!


SNL Skit;

Humbel football player pleading 'enough! no more smacking your woman around!' and behind them a montage of typical Sunday fair at hubby's job; hitting the other guy so hard that he can't get up and has to be carted off to the hospital. Helmets flying off. Blown knees. Disfigured fingers. "Have a nice day!"


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Ah, yes BUT, Pete broke a WRITTEN, well known rule.

I could be wrong but I think there are statutes on the books about killing pets, whipping little kids, smacking the ball & chain around, Vehicular manslaughter. Those things we can forgive. Just don't bet on games and jeopardize the sport's integrity.

If I have to, I can insert the snarky smilies where appropriate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I could be wrong but I think there are statutes on the books about killing pets, whipping little kids, smacking the ball & chain around, Vehicular manslaughter. Those things we can forgive. Just don't bet on games and jeopardize the sport's integrity.

If I have to, I can insert the snarky smilies where appropriate.

No, no. You're right. My point is that when we have a business, a rich lifestyle available and legal that promotes, demands a guy to have little to no regard for his own well being let alone his fellow competitor, to destroy himself for our entertainment, it's perhaps a bit much that we demand him to be a docile person all the time under every other circumstance. The hypocrisy over Pete Rose is a part of that.


Well-Known Member
Look, these "afaleets" have been made to be heroes since middle school. Most are happy to get a 2.0 from compliant high school teachers to get into college........ Their "careers" are what; hitting/beating/knocking down an opponent. Thats it. Its a cultural thing BLACK OR WHITE, INDONESIAN or ASIAN!!!!! So what do we expect????

Would a passive frail jewish shop keeper be stripped of his career for assaulting his spouse?????


Well-Known Member
:lol: Did you pass?

Not sure, i was laughing so hard at seeing the definition of mushroom stamping on an official training slide. Never would have occured to me in a million years that anyone would do that to someone at work, hell I hadn't even heard the term mushroom stamp before that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not sure, i was laughing so hard at seeing the definition of mushroom stamping on an official training slide. Never would have occured to me in a million years that anyone would do that to someone at work, hell I hadn't even heard the term mushroom stamp before that.

I refuse to even look it up.