NHL All-Star Game


Stretch's Mom
Fun stuff to watch... I know there is the unwritten "no hitting" rule, so just seeing these wonderfully fluid skaters is a treat. Anyone catch the Skills Competition last night?


Well-Known Member
Im the biggest hockey fan but this game kind of stinks, looks like they are skating in slow motion, and the defense is doing nothing to try to even slightly to break a thing, passes are not even sharo and crisp they look like there in slow motion also, all anyone wants to do is shoot the puck on goal. It looks like a team practice, goalies are uninspired and not doing a whole lot to stop shots.


Stretch's Mom
Im the biggest hockey fan but this game kind of stinks, looks like they are skating in slow motion, and the defense is doing nothing to try to even slightly to break a thing, passes are not even sharo and crisp they look like there in slow motion also, all anyone wants to do is shoot the puck on goal. It looks like a team practice, goalies are uninspired and not doing a whole lot to stop shots.

That's why I'm only looking at one aspect of the game that I can enjoy...just seeing the forwards doing their thing. The NHL wants this to be a goal-fest. So it will be. I don't go in to this game expecting it to look like a real NHL game.


Pure Bred & Bottle Fed
It's kinda like watching a college football game, no defense. Whoever has the puck on the last rush is going to score.. I did hear that "our" Ovie scored the game winner in the shootout though, that's cool!


Well-Known Member
It's easier to play offense with people you don't know than to play good defense with someone you don't know. Offense, it's easy to make a break...dump the puck..etc and have your teammates either get open for a pass or make some traffic in front of the net. Defense, on the other hand, you find yourself giving up odd man breaks much more often with someone you're not used to playing with since you or he may not be used to the other's tendancies to maybe jump up in a play, or other influential things.

Certainly not the average NHL game :yay:
I didn't watch it, though I did watch the skills competition because that's usually interesting. I'll probably catch a replay of the game sometime.


Stretch's Mom
It certainly looked more like a real NHL game for the OT period and the shootout. They actually called a penalty in the OT and the goalies did get some inspiration to make some good saves. Even in an all star game, you could tell when the game was on the line, no one wanted to lose. :)


I know nothing
It's kinda like watching a college football game, no defense. Whoever has the puck on the last rush is going to score.. I did hear that "our" Ovie scored the game winner in the shootout though, that's cool!

No he didnt... The Game winner was the first goal scored by Alexi Kovalev. Since no one on the west scored, Alexi got credited for the game winner after Ovechkin scored his...


Stretch's Mom
No he didnt... The Game winner was the first goal scored by Alexi Kovalev. Since no one on the west scored, Alexi got credited for the game winner after Ovechkin scored his...

:yeahthat: technically Ovechkin's goal put the game out of reach and made it so that the West couldn't tie/win.


Well-Known Member
No he didnt... The Game winner was the first goal scored by Alexi Kovalev. Since no one on the west scored, Alexi got credited for the game winner after Ovechkin scored his...

who shot first, east or west?
If it was the east, and it was 1-0 going into OV's shot, PERSONALLY, I'd call that the winning goal since the west wouldn't even have gotten to shoot their 3rd attempt (due to OV scoring)...but I can see what you mean, and was even originally on your side of the arguement :lol: