Night Time Potty Training


Yeah, okay.
My child is 4 1/2 and is potty trained, but still goes at night. We still put a pull up on him, cut his drinking off at 7:00pm, make him go before he goes to bed, but is still going at night. Dr said to just put him in regular undies and after peeing himself a couple of times, he would stop. I went for a whole week doing this, but after changing the sheets in the middle of the night every night, I gave up.

Should I do what the Dr says and try it again and stick to it or is there something else someone can recommend? Or am I being to anal about it and just keep putting him in pull ups until he outgrows peeing at night?
My child is 4 1/2 and is potty trained, but still goes at night. We still put a pull up on him, cut his drinking off at 7:00pm, make him go before he goes to bed, but is still going at night. Dr said to just put him in regular undies and after peeing himself a couple of times, he would stop. I went for a whole week doing this, but after changing the sheets in the middle of the night every night, I gave up.

Should I do what the Dr says and try it again and stick to it or is there something else someone can recommend? Or am I being to anal about it and just keep putting him in pull ups until he outgrows peeing at night?

put him the night time pull-ups to save you each the frustration of the night time bed changings. These little ones have small bladders and can still have problems at night, especially if he's a heavy sleeper. He's only 4 1/2 ...

On another note, have they checked for other medical issues that may be going on that can cause this to happen??


off the shelf
put him the night time pull-ups to save you each the frustration of the night time bed changings. These little ones have small bladders and can still have problems at night, especially if he's a heavy sleeper. He's only 4 1/2 ...

On another note, have they checked for other medical issues that may be going on that can cause this to happen??


Some kids grow at a fast rate and their bladders don't....their bladders need time to "catch-up"

Try not giving anything to drink after 7....make sure they go to the bathroom before they go to bed(some kids say they went when they actually didn't)


Yeah, okay.
put him the night time pull-ups to save you each the frustration of the night time bed changings. These little ones have small bladders and can still have problems at night, especially if he's a heavy sleeper. He's only 4 1/2 ...

On another note, have they checked for other medical issues that may be going on that can cause this to happen??

Nope, didn't check for medical conditions. When I bought it up at the Dr visit, he said to take my kid out of the pull ups and after he felt the wetness of the bed, it would help him learn the feeling and wake up. I was thinking at the time that I didn't know how that would work because the pull up is wet and he doesn't wake up for that.

I wasn't sure if other kids around this age still have this issue or if mine was one in a few. I'm not too worried about him being in pull ups at night, but he'll be going to kindergarten this fall and the thought of him still being in pull ups at that point in time bothered me. Even though it's only at night.


Throwing the deuces
Wake him up before you head off to bed and let him go potty. Even if he's half asleep as he's doing it, atleast you'll know for sure that he'll have a dry bed in the morning. We used to do that with our youngest (husband still might but I'm not sure).


Yeah, okay.
Wake him up before you head off to bed and let him go potty. Even if he's half asleep as he's doing it, atleast you'll know for sure that he'll have a dry bed in the morning. We used to do that with our youngest (husband still might but I'm not sure).

Someone else recommended that, but we are early to bed, early to rise kind of people and most of the time, are headed to bed an hour after the peeps are!!


Wake him up before you head off to bed and let him go potty. Even if he's half asleep as he's doing it, atleast you'll know for sure that he'll have a dry bed in the morning. We used to do that with our youngest (husband still might but I'm not sure).

My husband and I use to do that with our son. We would stay up a little longer to wait, It gave us some extra time together and then we would wake him up and he would go and then go right back to bed. My son has a medical condition so we expected this and just dealt with it, but I do promise it does get better. It is frustrating but it will be over soon and then you will pass on what you learned to other mothers. Good luck and dont give up!


I like the idea of waking him up a couple of times in the middle of the night. It shouldn't take him long to go and we can both go right back to bed!

I took my son to a pediatric urologist for the same reason, and they told me they don't consider this a problem until the child is 5 or 6. As for waking the child up in the middle of the night they also told me that was not a good idea, because then they are rely on you to wake them up instead of their bladder. Which made sense to me. And, whatever you NOT get mad at the child for wetting the bed, it's not his/her fault. So I would say your just going to have to be patient....that's what I've done. Hopefully he will just grow it!


Throwing the deuces
My youngest sleep walks sometimes. Having to use the bathroom triggers him waking up. We have to catch him as he comes out of his room and direct him into the bathroom. We've missed him a few times and he's peed on the couch and once we caught him standing up peeing on his own bed. He is so out of it, he doesn't have a clue where he is. :lol:

Sweet 16

I wasn't sure if other kids around this age still have this issue or if mine was one in a few. I'm not too worried about him being in pull ups at night, but he'll be going to kindergarten this fall and the thought of him still being in pull ups at that point in time bothered me. Even though it's only at night.

Not to worry. Boys take longer to "train" than girls do and 4 1/2 is not unusual for bed-wetting. My son started preschool at 3 1/2 they had to be out of diapers/pull-ups by then. When I told him that summer he trained-up pretty quick. He relapsed a little in Kindergarten but usually during naptime and he's a heavy sleeper like me.


Starting Over
My son will be 8 in June and still wets the bed. Doesn't drink anything after 7:00pm and he still does it. The doc told me that some children inherit a gene from a parent that causes it. Well the ex was almost 10 when finally stopped and I never did wet the bed from what my parents told me. He refuses to wear the pull-ups and even if I do put them on him, he will take them off at night and put his pj bottoms back on. So I am left washing sheets just about every night.


Well-Known Member
My son will be 8 in June and still wets the bed. Doesn't drink anything after 7:00pm and he still does it. The doc told me that some children inherit a gene from a parent that causes it. Well the ex was almost 10 when finally stopped and I never did wet the bed from what my parents told me. He refuses to wear the pull-ups and even if I do put them on him, he will take them off at night and put his pj bottoms back on. So I am left washing sheets just about every night.

At 8 yrs old I'd make him wash his own sheets, especially since he won't wear the pull-ups. :lol: