Nike Re-Signs Michael Vick

Exclusive: Nike Re-Signs Michael Vick (Updated)

Michael Vick got to write his comeback story on the field. Now, he has seen his image come full circle off of it.

CNBC has learned that, in a remarkable move, Nike, which severed Vick’s contract in 2007 after he admitted to his involvement in a dogfighting ring, has re-signed the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback.

“Michael acknowledges his past mistakes,” said Nike spokesman Derek Kent. “We do not condone those actions, but we support the positive changes he has made to better himself off the field.”

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tiger lived as a rock star and has become radioactive because of cheating on his wife.

Vick killed dogs for pleasure and is marketable.


Oh well. Che Guevara was a political assassin and he may have more t shirts than both of them combined.

"Hi, I'm Che and when I need to shoot quick and straight, I wear my new Nike 'Killer' game specific footwear! They have the stability I need when I take dead aim. I like the new removable Velcro 'Che straps' that keep my shoes firmly on my feet even in the longest of sessions and double as a garrote or even handcuffs! The new 'Patriot' traction souls mean I won't loose my footing no matter how soaked in blood the court becomes. Nike. When losing is fatal, I choose Nike!"



What Nike should have done is hire one of the many felons who have "run" from the police. Vick never did "run" from the police. At least then, the runner could say he wore Nike shoes while he was running from the police. He could say if it wasn't for the police dog, they never would have caught me!

And then the camera spans down to the police dog...... who is wearing two pairs of Nikes.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What Nike should have done is hire one of the many felons who have "run" from the police. Vick never did "run" from the police. At least then, the runner could say he wore Nike shoes while he was running from the police. He could say if it wasn't for the police dog, they never would have caught me!

And then the camera spans down to the police dog...... who is wearing two pairs of Nikes.

I like it.