NV took Trump off the ballot. Now it's Nikki vs. "none of the above" and there is *still* speculation that she'll come in second.
But it doesn't matter because in NV there's primary voting and a couple days later they have a caucus that awards delegates, which Trump is favored hands down to win.
And that highlights what a clusterf*ck our elections are. If you're not a R or a D, you don't count and have no say so, which is flat bullshit. The NV primary is run by the state, and the caucus is run by the Party with the caucus determining how the delegates will vote, not the primary. The primary is something new in the last couple of years - previously NV just had a caucus, like Iowa etc. Voters can vote in *both* the primary and the caucus, AND delegates cast their vote based on the caucus, not the primary. But the state overlords decided that NV must have a primary, even though it's redundant, so there it is.
The longer Nikki Haley hangs in there, the more I can't stand her. Recently she faked a bunch of support letters that were easily torn apart on social media because the fraud was glaring. Not to mention she's the female John McCain and not smart enough to realize it. She's a darling with Democrats....until the second they have to choose between her and a Democrat, then they can't kick that bitch to the curb fast enough.
I don't know how anyone can stand her.
But it doesn't matter because in NV there's primary voting and a couple days later they have a caucus that awards delegates, which Trump is favored hands down to win.
And that highlights what a clusterf*ck our elections are. If you're not a R or a D, you don't count and have no say so, which is flat bullshit. The NV primary is run by the state, and the caucus is run by the Party with the caucus determining how the delegates will vote, not the primary. The primary is something new in the last couple of years - previously NV just had a caucus, like Iowa etc. Voters can vote in *both* the primary and the caucus, AND delegates cast their vote based on the caucus, not the primary. But the state overlords decided that NV must have a primary, even though it's redundant, so there it is.
The longer Nikki Haley hangs in there, the more I can't stand her. Recently she faked a bunch of support letters that were easily torn apart on social media because the fraud was glaring. Not to mention she's the female John McCain and not smart enough to realize it. She's a darling with Democrats....until the second they have to choose between her and a Democrat, then they can't kick that bitch to the curb fast enough.
I don't know how anyone can stand her.