Nikki Haley Recounts How John Kelly And Rex Tillerson Allegedly Undermined Trump


PREMO Member
Tillerson once said that people would die if the president was left unchecked, Haley wrote in “With All Due Respect,her book out Tuesday describing what life was like inside the Trump administration, The Washington Post reported Sunday. Both officials had an obligation to carry out Trump’s policies, she added.

“Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country,” the former South Carolina governor wrote, noting also that Kelly and Tillerson often couched their resistance in patriotic terms.

“It was their decisions, not the president’s, that were in the best interests of America, they said. The president didn’t know what he was doing,” Haley wrote in the book, referring to how Trump’s former top officials saw their responsibilities inside the White House.

“I was so shocked I didn’t say anything going home because I just couldn’t get my arms around the fact that here you have two key people in an administration undermining the president,” Haley told WaPo, referring to a moment when Kelly and Tillerson objected her request to withhold funds from a U.N. agency that supports Palestinians.


Well-Known Member


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So...dear many immigrants died in the detention camps because of Trump's policies?

And how many Syrians are dying now because of Trump's policies??

Pssst. Trump isn't President of Mexico or Guatemala or Syria. He's President of the United States, and We the People are his concern.


Well-Known Member
So - no surprise. The OP describes traitorous insubordination from top brass sworn to uphold the Constitution - and if they were honorable men, they would resign rather than betray someone -

And our favorite wet blanket comes along and changes the subject to Trump.

Yep. Not surprised.


PREMO Member
So - no surprise. The OP describes traitorous insubordination from top brass sworn to uphold the Constitution - and if they were honorable men, they would resign rather than betray someone -

But WE Know Better Than Trump .....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Now, let's think about this:

You find out that operatives are trying to undermine our President and control our government. Do you:

A) Tell the President or AG or whoever looks into these things, OR
B) Hang onto the information and write a book for a big pay day

There are pics of Nikki Haley palling around with John Brennan, acting like old buddies at some conference - this was after Brennan started doing his psychopath schtick on Twitter. So I take anything she says with a grain of salt because she's clearly not what I thought she was. It's amazing to me how dirty our government is, and we just sat on our asses and allowed it.


PREMO Member
ya know what dumb ass ......... TRUMP WAS ELECTED Not Tillerson / Kelly

Trump may be a poor president BUT HE WAS ELECTED none of these other ass hats ...


PREMO Member
“And let’s keep in mind — I mean, what I have said is this wasn’t that these guys thought this was a rogue president,” Haley continued. “This was that these guys disagreed with his policy. They disagreed with us getting out of the Paris Climate Agreement. They disagreed with us getting out of the Iran deal. They disagreed with moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. So, when the president was charting a different course, and really giving us a strong hand for America and for our friends, they just thought that he was going on in the wrong direction.”

“And so, when they sat me down that day, they were attempting to tell me that if I would work with them, they were trying to save America and keep people from dying,” Haley added. “But we saw, when the embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the sky is still up there. It didn’t fall, and we didn’t see casualties. What we saw was a courageous moment by the president that many presidents had tried before that was very successful. And it acknowledged a fact, which Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.”


Well-Known Member
The progression of how you folks feel about someone is directly tied to Trump and some of you claim it's everyone else who doesn't have an independent thought.

Haley is great! She could be President one day!

OMG what a dream it would be for Haley to be AG!

Haley is a deep state operative!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The progression of how you folks feel about someone is directly tied to Trump and some of you claim it's everyone else who doesn't have an independent thought.

Haley is great! She could be President one day!

OMG what a dream it would be for Haley to be AG!

Haley is a deep state operative!

Or it could be a revision of opinion based on new information. Hell, you bots change your tune every day, depending on the daily directive of your handlers.