Ninjas are probably quieter than SEALs


Lawful neutral
22 Words | 6-year-old writes to Navy SEAL to ask about Ninjas and SEALs, gets an honest response

Thanks for writing me! You did a great job drawing the Trident, it looks just like my personal coin, which I’ve sent you along with this letter. I only give this to very special kids, so I hope you like it.

To answer your questions: I think ninjas are probably quieter than SEALs, but we are better swimmers, and also better with guns and blowing things up. I can hold my breath for a long time, but I try not to unless I really have to.

Remember, if you want to be a SEAL, you must do two things: listen to your parents and be nice to the other kids. If you do that then you can probably be a SEAL too.

Very respectfully,

Admiral William H. McRaven