Nixon's Empire Strikes Back


Super Genius
Bush's imperial project has succeeded by learning the chief lesson of Watergate - muzzle the press.

This editorial is good for a laugh. For example...
Felt was not working as "a disgruntled maverick ... but rather as the leader of a clandestine group" of three other high-level agents to control the story by collecting intelligence and leaking it.
When FBI director J Edgar Hoover died on May 2 1972, Felt, who believed he should be his replacement, was passed over. The Watergate break-in took place a month later.
Sounds a bit disgruntled to me...
The Felt op, in fact, was part of a widespread revolt of professionals throughout the federal government against Nixon's threats to their bureaucratic integrity.
Ummm, the President is the head of the Executive Branch of the government. The FBI WORKS FOR HIM! And WTF is "bureaucratic integrity"? Bureaucracies are bad.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Remember this is the same FBI...

...that covered up all sorts of alleged activity in the Kennedy Whitehouse.

Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll! Assassinations attempts of foriegn leaders, mob ties, you know, PERSONAL stuff.


I love how Blumenthal attacks today's media as being Bush's lap dogs. This coming from Bill Clinton's lead apologist. What a funster.


Lovin' being Texican
. . .the same FBI who. . . .

Larry Gude said:
...that covered up all sorts of alleged activity in the Kennedy Whitehouse.

Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll! Assassinations attempts of foriegn leaders, mob ties, you know, PERSONAL stuff.

...hid J. Edgar Hoover's formal wear and high-heels after he died so nobody would know. . . .


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
See Coulter's column today about the matter.

She quotes a source or two disputing it could have been Felt all by himself - and that the motives for exposing Watergate then, and revealing it now are far from heroic.

Felt did what he did then out of petty vengeance - and his daughter admits NOW she did it for money.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
Felt did what he did then out of petty vengeance - and his daughter admits NOW she did it for money.
But does it matter? I mean, after 8 years of Clinton, I'm not really impressed with Nixon's level of corruption - or the actions of ANY of the Watergate players, for that matter. But back then it was scandalous stuff.

Isn't that interesting? You go back over the Watergate timeline ( and at every entry you're going, "So?" :shrug: :rolleyes: But that petty crap that is so commonplace today was enough to start impeachment proceedings against a popular President back then.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
But does it matter? I mean, after 8 years of Clinton, I'm not really impressed with Nixon's level of corruption - or the actions of ANY of the Watergate players, for that matter. But back then it was scandalous stuff.

Isn't that interesting? You go back over the Watergate timeline ( and at every entry you're going, "So?" :shrug: :rolleyes: But that petty crap that is so commonplace today was enough to start impeachment proceedings against a popular President back then.
I tend to think so, too, especially after the Clinton years. My only frustration with all that, at the time, was that the press did NOT seem so rabidly after the President, as they were with Nixon. Now it might have a FEW things to do with the fact that while Nixon was entirely antagonistic to the press, Clinton played them like a movie star. Politics notwithstanding, part of the reason people were after Nixon was because he was just not entirely a likable man.

But I can't get over comparisons. People went to JAIL for illegally possessing an FBI file - the Clintons had over a HUNDRED illegally copied files from the FBI - on their political enemies - and nothing comes of it. Ford pardons Nixon, and largely loses an election over it; Clinton leaves the White House pardoning a host of crooks and leaves the place in shambles - and people still want to vote him "the Greatest American". Dozens of people either fled the country or got their butts thrown in jail over Whitewater - but the common response is still that Ken Starr spent millions over "nothing". Nixon was nearly impeached over the Watergate burglary and cover-up; Clinton WAS impeached over a crime that federal judges are ROUTINELY removed from office over. And I won't go into the receiving of Chinese funds for re-election - why that was EVER glossed over, I'll never get.


Alot of people bust Nixon's chops but I think the one good thing he did as president was create the DEA. :clap: Especially during a time of the 60s and 70s where drugs were soo prevelant and free flowing... EVERYONE did them back then, etc... just my two cents. :biggrin: