Super Genius
Bush's imperial project has succeeded by learning the chief lesson of Watergate - muzzle the press.
This editorial is good for a laugh. For example...
This editorial is good for a laugh. For example...
later...Felt was not working as "a disgruntled maverick ... but rather as the leader of a clandestine group" of three other high-level agents to control the story by collecting intelligence and leaking it.
Sounds a bit disgruntled to me...When FBI director J Edgar Hoover died on May 2 1972, Felt, who believed he should be his replacement, was passed over. The Watergate break-in took place a month later.
Ummm, the President is the head of the Executive Branch of the government. The FBI WORKS FOR HIM! And WTF is "bureaucratic integrity"? Bureaucracies are bad.The Felt op, in fact, was part of a widespread revolt of professionals throughout the federal government against Nixon's threats to their bureaucratic integrity.